Well, to be frank, the chair shots to the head and the millions of flying headbutts he would deliver is probably what caused all of it. Plus, the massive amount of steroid use. They studied his brain and had the damage of a 85 year old man with alzheimer's. CTE is real and we see a lot of people with it go nutty.
And we see a lot of boxers who had CTE have none of these horrible acts.
So, you mean to tell me a guy who had the brain of an 85 year old with Alzheimer’s suddenly got sane enough to murdered two ppl? GTFOH with that media/WWE induced rhetoric.
Here are facts;
The guy was normal two days before.
The WWE was going to put the ECW title on the guy that weekend.
There are countless shoot interviews were nobody is using CTE as a crutch.
Paul Heyman himself threw Benoit under the bus and said the CTE shit was just an excuse.
I believe the guys who worked with that monster who said he was a sadistic piece of shit. I believe the stories where that monster whipped little kids in Japan with a fucking belt as a hazing to break noobs in. If you want to believe that a monster at 40 years of age had such brain damage from worked flying headbuts and putting his hand in front of chair shots, then by all means, do you.
I know a lot of ppl in pro wrestling and many who worked with that piece of shit. If they all say the same thing, and it’s not this “but he was such a great guy” shit you see in the media, I’ll believe what they say over anything written on the internet.
And if need be for proof, I can try and get a couple here to post up some Benoit stories that will make your blood curl.