[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]Sorry mill, wll be doing the same thing once i get mine put together....if I get it done before you, I will let you know what I did...everybody I know using win 7 says it rocks.[/quote]
Got mine set up as well. The transfer of settings and files from XP to Win7, at least by Microsoft standards, was very easy. I had a 60G external drive, and you just open the program in 7, load it to the external drive and it prompts you to load the files and settings on the old computer, then to the new one. Everything on the old one, including all shortcuts, bookmarks, etc. transferred over. Pretty slick. They do have an option in which you buy a USB cable called an Easy Transfer Cable that just connects to the 3 machines, then there's no swapping of the external drive, and is probably faster but I didn't feel like finding one of them.
The network setup wasn't quite as easy. Apparently, Vista will connect directly to 7 but XP to 7 is a little clumsier. It's working now, but not as fast as I think it should. I got pissed off last week with trying to make another 6 year old machine network with the new one so I just ordered another laptop from Dell outlet and it will be here tomorrow. Should help.
Between the 2 new machines and a new copy of Office 2010 (I was on Office '03) I dropped some bucks, but just got fed up trying to keep the business working on 8 year old shit.