Happy Memorial Day


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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So what is your solution to this? Do you eliminate private enterprise? Have the government control everything? Personally I think that the government itself has made the rules such that American companies are disadvantaged in the ability to compete and a ton of American jobs have been lost as a result.

Why do you think this is a bad thing for the executives and other major shareholders in the company? A loss of American jobs generally comes with these jobs appearing somewhere on the other side of the world with poverty wages and no health and safety regulations.

To answer your question, no I would not ban private enterprise (??), I would stop private wealth buying the legislative favor of elected public representatives and make elections publicly funded.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Why do you think this is a bad thing for the executives and other major shareholders in the company? A loss of American jobs generally comes with these jobs appearing somewhere on the other side of the world with poverty wages and no health and safety regulations.

To answer your question, no I would not ban private enterprise (??), I would stop private wealth buying the legislative favor of elected public representatives and make elections publicly funded.

Reversing the Citizens United ruling would be a great start. The problem is only one party wants that to happen, and they do not control the House, Senate, the WH or the SCOTUS. It's going to take a few years to get the right people in place to even begin turning things around.

Spunky Porkstacker

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Jun 6, 2010
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Reversing the Citizens United ruling would be a great start. The problem is only one party wants that to happen, and they do not control the House, Senate, the WH or the SCOTUS. It's going to take a few years to get the right people in place to even begin turning things around.

I doubt either side wants it. Why would they? They have a good thing going.

Look at Il, Rauner had a referendum for a vote on term limits. Madigan hired his own lawyer and stopped it from happening. He keeps getting re-elected :shrug: IL is fucked, highest property taxes in the country Rauner wants to freeze property taxes but Madigan won't allow it....what in the FUCK.

Thanks to all of the Vets and their families that have sacrificed!!!


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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I doubt either side wants it. Why would they? They have a good thing going.

Maybe you're right and they all love CU, but voting would indicate one party loves it and one hates it. I don't think this is one of those times you can just say 'both parties are the same'. The vote was an absolute split 100% of the Democrats voted against CU, 100% of the Republicans voted for it.

"Why would they?"

I can't speak for all the Democrats but here is what Bernie Sanders, an Independent at the time (2014) said:

“I am extremely disappointed that not one Republican voted today to stop billionaires from buying elections and undermining American democracy,” said the senator, who has advocated for a more sweeping amendment to address the influence and power of corporate cash on American elections and governance. “While the Senate vote was a victory for Republicans, it was a defeat for American democracy. The Koch brothers and other billionaires should not be allowed to spend hundreds of millions of dollars electing candidates who represent the wealthy and the powerful.“


I agree with Bernie on this one.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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I doubt either side wants it. Why would they? They have a good thing going.

Look at Il, Rauner had a referendum for a vote on term limits. Madigan hired his own lawyer and stopped it from happening. He keeps getting re-elected :shrug: IL is fucked, highest property taxes in the country Rauner wants to freeze property taxes but Madigan won't allow it....what in the FUCK.

Thanks to all of the Vets and their families that have sacrificed!!!

Term limits would be nice also, but don't pretend this is some 'for the good of Illinois' move by Rauner. The Illinois House and Senate are both Democrat controlled, so sure Rauner want term limits but face it, it's for political reasons. Madigan and co. don't want limits for the same reason politics. Rauner is no better than Madigan, who is no better than Rauner.

BTW what would term limits do to get money out of politics?

Spunky Porkstacker

CCS Donator
Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
It would be a start for stopping influential career politicians from having long term deep seeded dealings/relationships with donors.

Madigan has put IL where it is today, property taxes. debt, severely under funded pensions. Absolute Shit.

Madigan has worn out his welcome a hundred times over.
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Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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It would be a start for stopping influential career politicians from having long term deep seeded dealings with donors.

Madigan has put IL where it is today, property taxes. debt, severely under funded pensions. Absolute Shit.

I would love to see term limits in Illinois and federally, any step in the right direction I'm all for. It's just very disappointing to see that Citizens United piece of shit hanging around for at least 4 more years, term limits and other politically motivated half measures will change nothing in Washington until CU gets reversed. Having to wait till 2020 is the best case scenario, billionaires can do a lot of damage in 4 years.


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Apr 25, 2015
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I think it is an issue in a lot of countries.

I do not think there is a group of people who are more celebrated and then shuffled off stage and forgotten about. Memorial Day or Remembrance Day just makes it even more obvious.

The suicide rate for soldiers is beyond insane.

It's the same in the UK. Many get little support transitioning back into the real world and while they get free healthcare like the rest of us (for now), some of the aftercare leaves a lot to be desired.


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Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
My Granfather served in WWII
My Father served two tours in Veitman

Both have passed, and this Day is for them.

Thank you to both of them and all others that have served for more than benefits, and have passed on.


but investment in military equipment always strikes me as absurdly over the top.

depends on the equipment.. seal team 6 may be fitted with the cream of the crop.. yo joe may still be get vietnam era scraps.. even though the government paid 3 billion for plenty of new goods... in reality, millions went to supplying spec ops soldiers, many millions went to non murican radicals and billions went to some non military perps pockets.. jmo...

but rip to those swindled or forced into sacrificing themselves in the interest of others we never see or will never meet.. at the end of the day.. being a soldier isnt about representing/defending ones country, rather its about protecting the man/woman... da soldier next to ya... once again jmo..


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Aug 26, 2012
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Thanks to all active and former servicemen who have risked/given their lives to protect our freedom.

Every US soldier who has ever bravely worn the uniform to defend us is a hero.

Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Reversing the Citizens United ruling would be a great start. The problem is only one party wants that to happen, and they do not control the House, Senate, the WH or the SCOTUS. It's going to take a few years to get the right people in place to even begin turning things around.
Fuck the Citizens United ruling. Has nothing to do with that and never did. It was built this way before that and at the highest levels of government both sides are one and the same. It was never about these uber rich peeps and corps getting some favors here and there for some votes. It's been a slow methodical complete takeover that has brought us to this point where the government has long since stopped being for the people. It's the big dawgs and richest of the rich who have all the say now and the US is now governed by the uber rich for the uber rich. You can go on thinking this party or that party will change this or that but, to be honest, it would be quite ignorant on your part to do so. Sucks to have to say there is no hope but, in this case, there is no hope. Way too far gone.

You can marry yourself to either side's simplistic ideology but they're all the same. All are in bed with the same dirty fucking whores.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Fuck the Citizens United ruling. Has nothing to do with that and never did. It was built this way before that and at the highest levels of government both sides are one and the same. It was never about these uber rich peeps and corps getting some favors here and there for some votes. It's been a slow methodical complete takeover that has brought us to this point where the government has long since stopped being for the people. It's the big dawgs and richest of the rich who have all the say now and the US is now governed by the uber rich for the uber rich. You can go on thinking this party or that party will change this or that but, to be honest, it would be quite ignorant on your part to do so. Sucks to have to say there is no hope but, in this case, there is no hope. Way too far gone.

You can marry yourself to either side's simplistic ideology but they're all the same. All are in bed with the same dirty fucking whores.

Both sides are the same is intellectually lazy. They clearly feel very different on Citizens United. https://www.thenation.com/article/senate-tried-overturn-citizens-united-today-guess-what-stopped-them/

Calling corporation people and giving them the same rights as citizens is the #1 problem in American politics. Stop being so fucking lazy. You whine and moan about how fucked up the world is and offer nothing, just repeat your same old standard bullshit. Get corporate money out of politics, that would help, but you have no interest in solutions just advancing your fucked up and phony little emo persona. It's not just false, it's old and tired, get a new shtick tough guy.


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I don't see any "celebration of military engagement" as you put it. IF anything, it is a recent development where military service members get "celebrated" or even recognized as good people. When I was in, it was the opposite. The military was despised, spit on, and ridiculed for being stupid when you served. Rather it was the draft dodgers and draft card burners who were "celebrated". They were the "heroes" for a significant portion of this country. And we actually had other countries(see Canada) take these bums in and re-patrioted them.

By the way, where do you get your "evidence" about a lack of aftercare, and a level of indifference? Also what makes you an expert on what level of expenditure for the United States is more appropriate? Especially considering how deficient other countries have been in protecting their own people. Trump is finally a president who called out the NATO members to do what they signed up for in terms of ponying up money and manpower in the alliance. Its about time. I get sick when people talk about how good things are in other countries, particularly those who do not spend much at all in protecting their own people but rather look for the United States and a very few allies to protect them.

Thanks for your responses to my comments.

Worth noting that you quoted me incorrectly - I said 'military service' rather than 'engagement' which are different things and at no time did I presume to have (again in quotation marks) 'evidence'. I was simply making an observation on what I have experienced, seen and read on numerous visits to the States about the level of aftercare for veterans. Simply my perception. Regards US military expenditure, I guess I'm simply with Eisenhower when he said "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

But that is all a discussion for another day. Better to focus on those that have given the ultimate sacrafice and to remember them for what they gave their lives

"They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."

And now it's probably best for me to get back to talking about football.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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I have always wondered instead of celebrating them once a year on Memorial Day and cheering for them for 10 seconds at Soldier Field perhaps all veterans should have

-Free Health Care for Life
-High Quality Mental Health Services for them and their immediate family
-Some sort of serious job transition program

I'd like to see that along with mandatory year or 2 of service for all citizens. It's a small price to pay and (almost) all should be happy to do so once the norm. No outs or favors for the rich or those that can't do everything, we could use the work force for our much needed infrastructure and those that can't do physically can do paperwork etc. Get some diversity and class mingling so all people can appreciate each other and have better understanding.

Right now, it's a volunteer job. so in this case, the 2nd for sure, along with any health care needs related to service. If we could only stop getting into perpetual wars that can't be won and won't leave until we do... The costs are astronomical and continue long after we finally find a way to ease our way out

That we need to speak of health care in the leading free country on Earth seems silly.

My prayers to all that have lost family and friends.

Gustavus Adolphus

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I'd like to see that along with mandatory year or 2 of service for all citizens. It's a small price to pay and (almost) all should be happy to do so once the norm. No outs or favors for the rich or those that can't do everything, we could use the work force for our much needed infrastructure and those that can't do physically can do paperwork etc. Get some diversity and class mingling so all people can appreciate each other and have better understanding.
I agree, but I think making it a school year of basic training and a job skill would be better.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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I agree, but I think making it a school year of basic training and a job skill would be better.
One of those and one of service to the country in some form like army of engineers etc to rebuild roads, bridges etc. Would help the deficit, employment, stop the amount of skimming for contracts etc, etc. Also get the privileged and underprivileged to be roomies and better able to relate once on their own.

The Hawk

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Why do you think this is a bad thing for the executives and other major shareholders in the company? A loss of American jobs generally comes with these jobs appearing somewhere on the other side of the world with poverty wages and no health and safety regulations.

I want those jobs coming back to the US first of all but you ignore why those jobs left the US to begin with. It was stupidity of the American government that allowed these job to leave. THe government that passed ignorant environmental, safety, and other regulatory regulations along with stupid labor rates demanded by the unions.

To answer your question, no I would not ban private enterprise (??), I would stop private wealth buying the legislative favor of elected public representatives and make elections publicly funded.

So, what is "private wealth? Who buys elections?

I do agree that US elections should be publicly funded and advertising severely limited.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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I do agree that US elections should be publicly funded and advertising severely limited.
