Has this year made you hate Baseball?


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Apr 3, 2009
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New York, New York
Kush77 wrote:
You know what the funny thing about football is?? It has the LEAST amount of action than any other sport.

There was a study done on this a few years back, and I can't remember the exact numbers, but for a 3 hour football game, there's like 27 minutes of total action. Something ridiculous like that.

The average NFL play is a few seconds, then there's 35 seconds of huddle, walking to the line, calling the signals, the hike. 3 to 10 second play, then do it all over again.

Actually the avg NFL game is about 12 minutes of actual action. How is that less action than a 3hr game (baseball games are the longest by avg) and 3minutes of action?

And on 1 football play 22 poeple are moving and in complete combat! Sometimes the QB just hands off and stands there but most of the players are involved in at least moving. In a baseball play sometimes 3 people even move, c'mon guys. How about this: when playing a sport the actual sport should make you sweat, not the sun. Only the pitcher and the catcher sweat because of action, everyone else only sweats if its hot outside. It's a step above
golf, every now and then you have to run. What did John Kruk say, "We're not athletes, we're baseball players".

And to the other guy, I didn't say all, and yes the people who sit around on hold for hours to get on a radio show are sitting around doing nothing, how many things can you do? If you aren't there when they come on they will hang up. They are mostly diehard stat guys, who love to crunch numbers and argue who the 3rd mid reliever could be in their rotation, and they'll talk about it in December. I love how everyone goes to the big fat guys, ok most guys get fat, and most guys like beer. And I wasn't mentioning the people who go to games, but if you've been to games the crowd at sports is different for every sport. I've worked at an arena and Hockey crowds are much different than Basketball crowds, lot more beer at hockey, more like a football game, and baseball games are different too. (Most like a social gathering, like a picnic if you ask me) Although I'll admit going to a baseball game is actually fun, and everyone has plenty of time to drink too. I also find that baseball fans are very defensive about their sport being called boring. Some people find excitement in Bird watching too, that's great.

And what country are you living in? If you're from the U.S. we like Big Hits, Dunks, Home Runs, Car crashes, violent movies. Sorry if you don't like it but most americans do like action.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I am from the U.S. Born and raised in Chicago. I like my big hits and dunks ect... but I also enjoy the subtleties to things.

I am not trying to take anything away from football either. I love the game and watch the Bears intently and with a great deal of passion. But I also love baseball and see just as much value and excitement in it. It's a different kind but it's still there.

And what's wrong with liking stats and that adding to your enjoyment of a game? I really don't get the people who are against stats. You mean that something which potentially increases your understanding of the game is a bad thing? How does that make sense.

And what's wrong with talking about a sport during the off-season? Have you had a conversation about football since the draft? Or do you only talk about sports mid-season?

I've got a ton of friends who love baseball and not one of them is fat or unathletic. Such streotyping is just moronic. Baseball moves at a different pace and so those who can't focus on it or choose not to call it boring. Fine you can think that, but it doesn't make it true.
