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Greatest GOAT juice of all time
Greatest GOAT juice of all time
never heard of that fancy shit..
ejuice with nic in it is illegal to sell in oz.. so we dont gotz fancy shit ppl be making... we be legally allowed to import 3 months worth of nic from overseass though.. so i just get cheap bulk shit... what 3months is.. is debatable mane.. i know peeps who buy straight nic by litres at a time..
Gross.the best tobacco i got was actually a bad attempt at weed... it tasted similar to a nat sherman menthol reburn that had been sitting in an ash tray for awhile... some shitty homegrown ashy burnt wooden bowl flavor with a hint of mint..
That can be bought at 0% nic, then you can add concentrated nic to it.
Wait, why the **** is ejuice with nic illegal in aus? You guys are some weird *******
does it come in 500ml plus.. if not i aint paying fo it.. and what it be tasting like..
yes illegal... cause the gooberment get big mula from taxing real tobacco... when cigs cost 20+ dollars a pack mane.. they get huge dolla... when ejuice be costing 1-2 dolla.. they aint getting shit...
they hide behind the dangers of ecigs and how it be a gateway to real cigs for kids... just mumbo jumbo....then ban fucking cigs ya fucks.. nahhh.. cause money... all abouts money...
same reason they fighting with medical marijuana.. some old school 6th generation white masser be in control of the weed game.. and dont wanna share
Biggest I've seen it at is 120ml. It's fairly expensive, but it's an amazing quality juice, so you get what you pay for.
"EZ DUZ It on Ice 120ml by Ruthless Vapor is a cooling experience of light menthol with fruity strawberry and watermelon."
I'd say that's an accurate description..
guess i can try to make me own version of it.. my next order i was gonna get some ice, watermelon and a couple of other fruit concentrates to mess wiff too...
Don't complain when your own version sucks.
Well, as long as you're still giving yourself cancer I guess that's ok. Go, go, Po-wer Va-per!!!
Go suck a **** Gustav
I should submit my own findings.
Some thirty-something male was standing on the corner with his "rig" with huge plumes of "smoke" blowing back in myself and three other people's faces.
I should say it was less offensive than cigarette smoke to the face, but this cloud on my face reeked of grape bubble gum.
(Hubba Bubba came to mind)
How is it acceptable for a grown ass man to be "smoking" Hubba Bubba in public like that???
(You are not a 15 year old girl from 1983)
As to the OP...just about anything is better than ingesting straight carbon monoxide, but it trades one vice for another and nicotine is still bad for the heart in any form.
I have enjoyed converting to a vaporizer for my "herbal meds". Much cleaner method of burning flowers.
Did they make that in grape?You sure he didn't think it was Big League Chew? Not that it makes much difference.
1: yes. 2: yes.Did they make that in grape?
Is it still on the market?
"Let's show five year olds how to do chaw."
What redneck marketing department developed that nightmare?!?
I member commercials for that gum running after Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No Club" commercials during Saturday Morning Cartoons and realizing everything that was wrong with America in less than sixty seconds.1: yes. 2: yes.
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