Not to belabour the point- but, are you sure that you aren't getting your players mixed up?
Dino Ciccarelli wasn't a fighter - but a scorerer -one of those types that seemed to get under certain opponents' skins-
but never dropped the gloves -and made it to the HoF.
Dino Ciccarelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apprently the guy had somer. er legal issues ... and probably was known for trying to use his stick on guys when the officials weren't looking...
but, the point being -- not a goon, in the accepted sense of the term - just a run of the mill ah with a scoring upside.
Considering the source is Jaeckel -it doesn;t even rate grain of salt category ... but, no, in fact Eager wouldn't be an upgrade.
How anyone can get all worked up about not having a guy whose point totals have never reached 20 - ever... and can take penalties (not draw -but take), with the best of them -is a little out there.
Edited: Oh, duh me -- the old "... one name I am told is..." yeah Bovine Fecal Matter. The old you can't prove I wasn't trick - the guy (author) is a joke. And a bad one.