<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="214042" data-time="1384495333">
I consider this a win for now</p>
Basically this.</p>
It definitely came out of left field AFAIAC. On the face of it I don't like losing Olsen. He's a 1st Rder from only 4 Drafts ago and could hardly be considered a bust. He had a rocky season emotionally last year not being able to deal with re-making the The Show but man did that kid surprise me this past offseason when I would check his Twitter feed and see that he was training hard so it surprised me not at all to see him show up so fit at the Rookie Tournament in Ontario. And he had a good tournament. As I said on the Twiiterz tonight, he's in the best conditioning shape of his career IMO, he has had a good season w/the Hogs to-date IMO and definitely has turned his game back around, has his head in the game, attitude adjustment, etc. and he's still a very good NHL SAH d-man prospect. Also, he was showing maturity in making a conscious decision to take on a leadership role as an older player with so many newbies playing for the Hogs. On face value I might normally question asset management as I DO NOT like dumping 1st and 2nd Rders who haven't busted BUT. . .</p>
All that said, good for Olsen and good luck to him as this affords him a better shot at hopefully breaking the NHL again (make it happen Tallon Cat!) because understand this, the Hawks are 101% planning on FINALLY signing Johns as soon as Notre Dame's season is over. And they have to. And they likely have to concede to giving him a roster spot guarantee basically to get it done. Clenny is a PMD to Olsen's SAH so he hasn't leapfrogged Olsen positionally. It's Johns is who is leapfrogging Olsen and the Hawks have to leapfrog him to get him to sign likely since he'll otherwise be a free agent in August because he's not wanted to sign to-date and he's doing the Sr year of NCAA. Is that fair to Olsen as a 1st Rder who appears to be towing the line developmentally and rehabilitated his game and attitude? Nope, it sucks for him. But it's a business and a process and asset management that doesn't sit quite right just has to happen sometimes. Gotta start learning how to say goodbye to prospects in both trades and also just the statistics that say that most prospects obviously don't and can't numerically make the NHL.</p>
Additionally in terms of the IceHogs pipeline of the future to add to Dahlbeck on the SAH front, the Hawks will have to sign Travis Brown of Moose Jaw next yr. as he reaches the 2 yr post-Draft signing deadline and he is having a PHENOMENAL season so far individually on yet again, another crappy Moose Jaw team. LOL, much like I bemoaned about his otherwise admirable offensive development last seas when I watched MJW gms, his defensive awareness and +/- leave something to be desired again this year but just like last seas and even MORE so, he's just tearing it THE **** UP offensively for a d-man this season. He's lead MJW in pts pretty much since the 2nd week of the season, is 2nd in scoring for all WHL d-men, and 17th overall currently for all WHL scorers. Kind of like the whole "there's nothing more Pirri and Morin can prove in the AHL developmentally" line of thought so too can the same be said of Brown who is playing inhis 3rd season (more like 3.5th season, heh) in the WHL. I concede he needs much more sound defensive awareness development that will come with age but I don't think that can be gained with a 4th, overage season in 2014-15 on that MJW team so IMO he needs to be signed and assigned to Rockford next season. If MJW were better and he wasn't spinning his wheels on team that isn't going anywhere then maybe I'd consider it. Season's not over so I can't say where MJW will definitely end up but right now they look like last yr's unerwhelming team. Additionally, the other large SAH d-man prospect after Johns and Brown is Paliotta of Vermont who I'd imagine the Hawks as most tms do, will try to sign at least after the completion of his Jr yr which is this season. Paliotta also held his own in camps this past offseason. </p>
With the announcement of Morin being sent down concurrent with this trade announcement we can pretty much say Mo's 100% trade bait though. He can't really prove anything more in the AHL and the Hawks know this and his game certainly hasn't regressed so I guess he'll just help Rockford until they trade him. Hogs do need some help after taking a nosedive for all of November so far. Guess the Organization doesn't see a future for him. . .which is a shame because man do I love his natural sniping tendencies and the old cliche "nose for the net".</p>