I might have missed the Kane picking Stammer's pocket since my UPS decided to take a shit on me and took down my network.

. I missed almost the entire 2nd period and had to catch highlights.
I'm not "in a hurry" to pass the mantle as is were, I think that, ideally,
when it's time to pass it that we're giving it to players that are ready to take it on, and that means giving them chances to play in the roles occupied by our current superstars. Sometimes you get lucky like Lankien appears to be. Other times your fallback for losing Roenik and Amonte is the frigging ABC line.
Using Keith as an example since he's the oldest remaining core piece, it took Keith a few years before he became the stud D-man he is. However, there really wasn't a stud D-man already in place. Cullimore wasn't a stud. Aucoin wasn't a stud. Spacek wasn't a stud. That meant a few years where the 'hawks had no real top-end D-man until Keith fleshed out. Now we got Keith in there but at some point he's going to hang 'em up. It's inevitable. So, why wait until Keith is 100% gone before someone else steps into his role when we could be using this time to develop whoever is going to be Keith's Ersatz-replacement (He's freaking Keith--replacing Keith 100% is like replacing Mikita)? The 'hawks should be doing that now in my opinion (and they somewhat are), and to do that means that someone else should be doing what Keith's doing and his roles and responsibility have to be lessened to give the kids a chance.