I won't lie, I was choking back tears. I just never thought this day would come. After LA destroyed us in game 3, my heart broke. I thought we had come to the end of the road. But this team -- man, this team is special. So many years of being accustomed to having the wheels fall and ending in heart break -- I just have never seen anything like this.
I thought of the people who aren't here anymore to see this and what they'd be thinking. I thought of Ron Santo. I thought of Let's Play Two, Mr. Ernie Banks. I thought of all the Cubs over the years -- Ryan Sandberg, Fergie Jenkins, Sweet Swingin' Billy Williams, Andrew The Hawk Dawson, Kid K Kerry Wood, etc. I thought of 1969. 1984. 2003.
I sat on my floor in the living room, trying desperately not wake up my 6 month old. When my wife went to bed, I watched the coverage on TV. This is the biggest sports moment in years. And if we win, it'll be the biggest moment perhaps in US History. I can't imagine a meaningful sports occurring before or ever again.
This is the best I've ever felt in all my fandom.