FTR I went from working under a shitty manager 5 years ago, to working under a much better one, to being promoted to Manager working for a Director that is the best boss I could imagine.
So I have gotten perspective on like all levels of this situation over the last 5 years.... shitty manager, decent manager, good manager.... me being entry level -> experienced -> team lead -> manager and I've dealt with "leaders" at various levels with me at various levels.
I loathe shitty leadership and/or leadership that is apathetic/absentee to its' workers... I can and have gone toe-to-to with other managers, directors, and even senior VP leaders to protect my team and I never ask them to do anything I cannot understand/explain/perform myself if the need arises. I lead by example and I follow thru when I say I will push back for the good of the team.
All that being said I do expect alot of my team and I will chew them out if they don't do their job well.... Clone works for me lol he can attest.