How to stop windows 10 upgrade

Xuder O'Clam

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Apr 22, 2015
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Is it just me or does it feel like Microsoft is trying to make Windows like Call of Duty.... release a new version as often as possible and ask everyone to switch... that will never work with business IT.... it takes a long ass process to switch a company of 3-4k people with 3-4k laptops to a new OS while ensuring it all goes smoothly and everything works ok after the change.

I want a stable OS I can use for 4-6 years.... and if people like Windows 7, why not sell it to them for a while longer rather than rushing out Windows 8 and having to deal with the shitstorm of problems. An OS should not be produced and sold like a video game.

Windows 10 will aparently be the last "numbered" OS. They have various levels of updates, rolled out with no choice for end users. The average home user will be the guinea pigs with updates sent to them first. Enterprises will be further down the line for these updtes so the bugs the home user experiences are worked out.

Windows will be called just Windows.

I used to use Linux for years. Then dual booted with XP for games. Went to 7 for the same reason, but I now hardly play games and am about to be done with Windows for good.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Windows 10 will aparently be the last "numbered" OS. They have various levels of updates, rolled out with no choice for end users. The average home user will be the guinea pigs with updates sent to them first. Enterprises will be further down the line for these updtes so the bugs the home user experiences are worked out.

Windows will be called just Windows.

I used to use Linux for years. Then dual booted with XP for games. Went to 7 for the same reason, but I now hardly play games and am about to be done with Windows for good.

Stable Windows releases work fine for 99% of what I do.... I used Linux in college.... idk why but Linux to me feels like the nerd version of the dude who has to drive a manual transmission car... like its cool and limits who can use your computer normally or makes you seem like you are tech savvy.... I've heard way too many fucktards be like "Yeah I dual boot.... I have Windows but I also have a Linux partition" and then you be like "So what do you use Linux for" and they are like "Ya know... Linux stuff..... command line stuff and whatnot"... I know we have genuine Linux users here and I am not gonna assume you are douchey nerd-bros but I do think half of the people who run Linux just run it because they think it makes them seem cool lol

Xuder O'Clam

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Apr 22, 2015
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Stable Windows releases work fine for 99% of what I do.... I used Linux in college.... idk why but Linux to me feels like the nerd version of the dude who has to drive a manual transmission car... like its cool and limits who can use your computer normally or makes you seem like you are tech savvy.... I've heard way too many fucktards be like "Yeah I dual boot.... I have Windows but I also have a Linux partition" and then you be like "So what do you use Linux for" and they are like "Ya know... Linux stuff..... command line stuff and whatnot"... I know we have genuine Linux users here and I am not gonna assume you are douchey nerd-bros but I do think half of the people who run Linux just run it because they think it makes them seem cool lol

Lol, I agree with this. I used Linux from my first computer because one of my older brothers was a tech geek who was into computers from the early 70s, and it's all I knew. Other than DOS.

I never went to a Windows computer until well after XP came out, and only because I was living in hardware heaven in Taiwan and spent a lot of time building Windows computers for fellow ex-pats over there.

I have always had a resistance to both mac and windows, mainly due to their underhanded, and overly proprietary practices, not because of any increased functionality in Linux. Plus, I like the open source concept.


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I can agree with this. I used to carry my "douche disc" with me at DeVry. AKA a copy of Knoppix. In case I ever needed to run Linux for any particular reason.

Xuder O'Clam

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Apr 22, 2015
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Linux has always kind of been about the how and not the what in these discussions. But to call it merely a geek OS is really doing it a disservice. Particularly these days. If there were distros as fully fleshed out as ubuntu back when I was in Taiwan, I probably would have built more Linux systems than Windows ones. Most just wanted English computers that would run office software and browse the web or play something simple like solitaire. Google was only a few years old.

*Edit - I should have said more end user friendly than fully fleshed out. Distros like ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix were around then, but in their initial releases and not quite as install and go as they became.

Like I said, Linux is what I knew. And it works perfectly fine for doing what I want to do with a home computer. I use a Mac at work because we do a lot of design and a couple of the guys who work for me refused to use Windows. We all have our preferences. I'm fine in any OS. They are all functional for me. My choice now is to move back to open source for reasons other than functionality or being a cool geek. I would hope by now I've outgrown that.

Shit, my mother's first foray into computer use at the age of 70 was an old laptop with Puppy Linux on it.


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Most of my family uses linux based systems because of me. It wasn't some plan to switch them open source software, it was just me sick of fixing their windows and mac machines after their dumbasses downloaded some kind of virus or got their credit card info phished/stollen.

I knew it was a good idea when my mom had debian on her system for two years before the drive died(so she went to the store and bought a new computer with Windows 7 on it), then after 3 months complained about issues that didn't exist before. So I went ahead and put Mint on there for her, and she has not complained since. Then my sister's Mac had some malware that kept coming back after going in circles with apple support. She hated one of the version updates, asked me if she could run what was on "mom's computer" because it was so fast and clean. Np, I set that up too. Moms old neighbor and her play some BS facebook games, she kept asking me to fix her computer when I was in town. Mom told her to try this Linux Mint thing. She is a little more savvy and wants to learn. so she went ahead and switched everything herself. Mind you, this was before Ubuntu had Mate versions and hardly any packaging for basic OS features, but now I try to shift everyone to Ubuntu Mate if they're still a newbie, because Unity is very hit or miss with users and Mint really offers little advantage for new users. I sure as hell don't have the patience myself to explain how to build from source/portage/porthole/pacman. Plus Redhat/Fedora are so hit or miss on consumer hardware optimizations, and really if I had to work with any redhat, I would hate to run redhat/fedora at home too. Sucks the fun out of linux IMO.

None of it was intended to be some grand scheme. I honestly don't care about personal choice, as much as I'm pissed that people let MS and Apple slip in more and more control over their own hardware, personal information, and unwanted features over time, and they think the regular user will just stick around and take it in the ass. As if people have this idea that if everyone else has to deal with taking it in the ass, then it's not so bad. Well, I guess most people want it in the ass, and I don't.

I started unix-like with Solaris 1.0.1 on an old sparcstation, then converted to slackware. Agree, things are super easy mode today.
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Xuder O'Clam

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Apr 22, 2015
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None of it was intended to be some grand scheme. I honestly don't care about personal choice, as much as I'm pissed that people let MS and Apple slip in more and more control over their own hardware, personal information, and unwanted features over time, and they think the regular user will just stick around and take it in the ass. As if people have this idea that if everyone else has to deal with taking it in the ass, then it's not so bad. Well, I guess most people want it in the ass, and I don't.

I started unix-like with Solaris 1.0.1 on an old sparcstation, then converted to slackware. Agree, things are super easy mode today.

Yes, underhanded and overly proprietary practices have always been the aversion I have to Windows/Mac. Open source is just the icing.


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Jun 19, 2011
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It's just kind of funny that the vast majority of game servers, near monopoly on web servers, majority of business machines, a near monopoly of supercomputers, the majority of mobile phones, tablets, netbooks, every other console(basically not XB1), Smart TVs, and a smaller share of desktop/laptops in consumerspace are not using windows as the primary OS.

I saw some statistic about games on linux being only 0.5% market-share for steam. Then you look at how the numbers are tracked, well... herpy durp, if it's a gametree/cadera/wine/crossover package being run on linux ormacos, then it's going to register usage as whatever windows version. And the thing is, with how wine works, the software/games have native execution on linux or mac, which is why wine is not an emulator or the games are not a port. They just use wine to launch the executable, and all wine does, is keep the windows file structure and library list in tact to make the game cross platform.

So yeah, I do not trust these numbers whatsoever.

Doesn't really seem strange to me at all when so much of those systems are infrastructural in nature and don't really have to provide anywhere near the broad functionality that a consumer PC does.


Three if by air
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Doesn't really seem strange to me at all when so much of those systems are infrastructural in nature and don't really have to provide anywhere near the broad functionality that a consumer PC does.


So on top of linux being able to run 80%+ of all windows software ever made(which is higher than any version of Windows itself), then be able to run 50% of mac software natively, and it's own software natively(none emulated or virtulaized), linux DEs have all the windows features(Windows10 is a rip off of KDE Plasma) linux doesn't provide anywhere near the broad functionality that a consumer PC does? Even directx11 runs under linux and more drivers are now supported under a desktop consumer type distro.

Or did you mean windows doesn't have anywhere near the level of broad functionality as linux? Then I agree. It's not even close.

Xuder O'Clam

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I had to try it. I guess it's discontinued for XP from the update center(even with POSfix).

Lol, it's probably because MS no longer offers it or supports it for XP.


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Lol, it's probably because MS no longer offers it or supports it for XP.

Next time I boot into Windows 8.1 VM, I'll do it. I just hate running 8.1 VM because it likes to take more memory than it is allocated, where XP/Server2003/XP64, as dated as it is, will only take the exact amount of resources allocated to it.
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So on top of linux being able to run 80%+ of all windows software ever made(which is higher than any version of Windows itself), then be able to run 50% of mac software natively, and it's own software natively(none emulated or virtulaized), linux DEs have all the windows features(Windows10 is a rip off of KDE Plasma) linux doesn't provide anywhere near the broad functionality that a consumer PC does? Even directx11 runs under linux and more drivers are now supported under a desktop consumer type distro.

Or did you mean windows doesn't have anywhere near the level of broad functionality as linux? Then I agree. It's not even close.

Maybe read what I actually said first. So touchy about da linux



So on top of linux being able to run 80%+ of all windows software ever made(which is higher than any version of Windows itself), then be able to run 50% of mac software natively, and it's own software natively(none emulated or virtulaized), linux DEs have all the windows features(Windows10 is a rip off of KDE Plasma) linux doesn't provide anywhere near the broad functionality that a consumer PC does? Even directx11 runs under linux and more drivers are now supported under a desktop consumer type distro.

Or did you mean windows doesn't have anywhere near the level of broad functionality as linux? Then I agree. It's not even close.

what are the pros and cons to linux? i never ran it, so im not familiar with the os at all, but im thinking about it. my only concern would be gaming when it came to software, as long as i can game i'd be okay.

what kind of learning curve is associated with it. its it all command line?

my command line skills are lacking since ive never really had to use them.. a little dos here and there, but the majority of my command skills to go back to the early mid 80s and the commodore 64 when i was a kid.


oh yeah MS struck again and somehow got the upgrade icon to come back up after i rid myself of it and this time it has a pop up notification to upgrade. at least its not trying to download, but according to the icon it says its downloading in the back ground - i dont see it. windows 10 is no longer in the manual updates list. i hid it, but theres nothing there to unhide. it went poof

im sure they packaged that crap in a different update to get back on my screen. i guess imma have to reg edit this ***** away. also, i noticed two optional updates that i didnt install had to do with installation issues... um probably like me stopping windows 10.. damn this shit is annoying, looks like im going to have to roll back to an earlier back up which would be annoying and probably futile, since theyll sneek win 10 in some sort of update anyway.


Three if by air
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what are the pros and cons to linux? i never ran it, so im not familiar with the os at all, but im thinking about it. my only concern would be gaming when it came to software, as long as i can game i'd be okay.

what kind of learning curve is associated with it. its it all command line?

my command line skills are lacking since ive never really had to use them.. a little dos here and there, the majority of my command skills to go back to the early mid 80s and the commodore 64.

There are different levels of distros. Like Android is a linux distro where 99% of users never touch a command line. You can also use Debian/ubuntu and debian/ubuntu based without ever using a command line too. Antigros and Majnaro are light with CLI. Arch will require some command line from time to time, and Gentoo-based can be used without command line, once you get the hardware rolling. Chrome OS is built on Gentoo and might offer some luxuries over Gentoo for an end user, but it's not as fast of an OS, overall, nor is the development as quick. Slackware without ever using command line... ehhh I doubt it. Redhat/Fedora, possible. Light use at worst.
The reason why terminal is still used, is because it's super quick and lightweight. In most cases, you'll have both options of the GUI and CLI method to do the same tasks.

Pros: Security, stability, memory and overall resource management, customizability to all extremes. Huge software library. Cross platform applications you are used to on windows or mac are.... well, cross-platform, so you will find them under linux as well. Because the free software mentality exists throughout different linux software projects, you can have everything update, and not just the system files automatically, or a few different ways under different app management tools. You have a choice of different desktop environments, some that look and behave just like windows, some that look and behave just like MacOS, some that are completely original. After all, the startmenu system from windows, the dock system in Mac, the menu bar in Mac, were all concepts used years before in unix/linux systems.

Also, a lot of aussies use linux because they can bitmeter their webtraffic better. The filesizes are smaller for the same programs. But these are intermediate tricks.

Cons: Unless games are built on a cross-platform engine, you have to either hope a GOOD wine profile exists(otherwise you may need to build one yourself) or dualboot into windows to play it. Some proprietary drivers require certain kernels, and if you don't test your OS with a liveCD installer (in the live mode) you might find yourself needing to try some less than stable configurations(although YMMV, as many run unstable branches of software, and have perfect stability, while others may not.) Also because linux is a GPLv2 license(basically, free to use, share, modify, distribute) some hardware vendors do not support making device drivers. It's rare, but you can run into issues there too.

All OS'es work similarly. So the learning curve is basically the filesystem(which is unix-like and similar to BSD/MacOS/iOS/Android). Depends on which distribution you use and what flavor/variant of a distribution. What Desktop Environment you use also can add to the learning curve. I run XFCE, some say it's the most windows-like as far as how it functions. KDE looks a lot like windows too, both share a lot. KDE is a resource hog similar to windows UI, where XFCE is lighter. Then you have a lot of stuff in between.

Try a LiveCD of Ubuntu MATE 15.04 if you get bored and have an extra gig of bandwidth. No need to install it, in fact, I wouldn't. But get familiar, see what you think and keep in mind that a full install runs much better and faster. Watch some youtube video reviews.
