How would you escape a pregnancy?


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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first off.. what the hells rong with the forum right now? avatars on top instead of to the side and stuff.

second: yes, created reality and morality.. to create fear/guilt about this ,that and the other.
fear is a tool for controlling people. thats all religion and most laws are ..control/fear tactics.
without all these rules and laws, a group of men wouldnt be able to separate themselves from us, to become wealthier and control us.
abortion is just another tool to divide people.

let people do what the want to/for themselves. Dont do anything to harm or take from another person.
apply that to most situations. Religion and teach the need for permission from authority. Not allowed to think for yourself.

if two people want to say they are married, let them. if they want an open marriage, thats their choice, nunya bizness.
marriage isnt some holy thing.. you dont need a churches approval and its none of legal/laws business.. but people think they need to get a license, blood test, a churches approval, waste thousands of dollars... and if it doesnt work out.. well, law says you need to pay them to get divorced. they have crossed morality with legality.. thats wrong on all sides. its an artificially created morality.
theres no such thing as a heathen or a sinner. You chose to do something or not do something.

morality.. everyone bases most things on what will my friends say or do if I do this or that? no one is allowed to simply 'be'.
gotta get married have a kid, go to church and train your kids to rinse, repeat.
a supreme being, outside time and space..wants his people to be mindless,repetitive drones?
a good Christian/god fearing man pays his taxes...= fabricated morality entertwined with forced legal obligation.

its late, im going off in a couple directions lol.. enough for now



Sep 24, 2015
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Do you have kids?
Go to church?
pay taxes?
are you married or dating?
Have friends

You're like the Anti Anti- you seem like you've got everything figured out and you must be bored.

where did I say I had everything figured out?
I simply know when a lie is a lie. That leads to questioning everything.
i'm not anti anything. I'm pro truth and.. pro me lol at lack of a better term.
.. I might expand on your nosy questions later, I might not. They are examples of just following the herd.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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first off.. what the hells rong with the forum right now? avatars on top instead of to the side and stuff.

second: yes, created reality and morality.. to create fear/guilt about this ,that and the other.
fear is a tool for controlling people. thats all religion and most laws are ..control/fear tactics.
without all these rules and laws, a group of men wouldnt be able to separate themselves from us, to become wealthier and control us.
abortion is just another tool to divide people.

let people do what the want to/for themselves. Dont do anything to harm or take from another person.
apply that to most situations. Religion and teach the need for permission from authority. Not allowed to think for yourself.

if two people want to say they are married, let them. if they want an open marriage, thats their choice, nunya bizness.
marriage isnt some holy thing.. you dont need a churches approval and its none of legal/laws business.. but people think they need to get a license, blood test, a churches approval, waste thousands of dollars... and if it doesnt work out.. well, law says you need to pay them to get divorced. they have crossed morality with legality.. thats wrong on all sides. its an artificially created morality.
theres no such thing as a heathen or a sinner. You chose to do something or not do something.

morality.. everyone bases most things on what will my friends say or do if I do this or that? no one is allowed to simply 'be'.
gotta get married have a kid, go to church and train your kids to rinse, repeat.
a supreme being, outside time and space..wants his people to be mindless,repetitive drones?
a good Christian/god fearing man pays his taxes...= fabricated morality entertwined with forced legal obligation.

its late, im going off in a couple directions lol.. enough for now
Delbjork, your 'reply' here is that of someone who 'waits to talk', rather than someone who listens, understands and responds to what is being asked. I didn't give you an argument, I asked you specific questions, and you're response is all over the place; it's rather schizophrenic, as if you thought I asked you to freeform about everything that comes to your mind when I say 'these three words'.

I mean, if I ask you if you know how to use a snowblower, you're "free" to tell me what you think about snow and the skiing industry, but it's not successful communication. Nobody is learning anything.

And Marylandbear is right about your response as well. Your responses is that of someone who's a one-way street: spraying out preconceptions, but never willing to process what's being communicated to them; which is a sign of someone who has decided they're learned everything they care to know about an array of extremely complex far-reaching subjects such as morality and religion. Scholars are never done with these subjects, but you've apparently decided you already are.

You've mentioned far, far, far too many subjects for me to respond to, (which by the way contained many apparent misconceptions). I'll just pick one, which is the only time you wrote concerning the OP.

You wrote, "Abortion is just another tool to divide people." No, it's not just that. Just because someone uses an issue to divide people doesn't mean there isn't important things for society to decide on about abortion, right? People who live in a nation have agreed to relinquish some authority and duties to the state, specifically regarding courts, juries, police, established weights/measures/currency/laws/traffic lights, etc. One aspect of that is the issue of protecting or terminating human life. Human females have human life in their womb, not rose-buds or wasp-larvae. Perhaps you think a parent should be allowed to terminate their child regardless of age, or only before age 21, or at birth, or at no point. This is the primary reason it's discussed, because there are changeable laws on it.


Sep 24, 2015
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You think you are just trying to solve an abortion issue. I'm telling you it's part of a bigger whole. The entire purpose is division. The topic is irrelevant. I did in fact answer you quite thoroughly and intellectually.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Funk & Wagnalls' porch
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  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Everybody knows abortions arren't real, neither is pregnancy or childbirth, procreation is a construct set up by corporations to placate the sheeple. Sexual intercourse is a lie and you fools buy into the con because you're afraid to admit you are all virgins like me and my incel friends here on CCS. Tell them Assopening!
