I am done with pyhsical therapy!
They nearly tore my head off. She meant to put 20 pounds of pull on my neck when another, more experienced staff member just happened to walk in.
Had it set to 200 pounds and ready to hit go.
I almost lost my head.
I know from experience at work BAD THINGS happen when you MOVE THE DECIMAL!!!
Speaking of work, it has been going GREAT!
I got a substantial raise and a bonus too, just for busting my ass to get back to work.
Days has it's drawbacks, bu things are going well.
But today....
...this motherfucker shined a laser right into my eye!
That shit hurt, and my eye felt fucked up for at least a half hour.
I said "OW!" then looked over and saw dude smirking with s red dot in his hand.
As I grabbed my eye I said, "Fucking asshole! That shit hurt!" as he innocently walked away.
I am still really really pissed off about this.
That motherfucker assaulted me with an object from afar at WORK!
There is no other way I can look at it. I know he didn't mean it, but that got me in the EYE!
I am so pissed. I don't want an apology, I just don't want any junior high style fucking around bullshit.
I am there to get shit done and make money, not to get poked in the eye with a laser.
It may take me awhile to cool off.
I think I should talk to asshole laser man and make him pay for my nexy batch of apfelwein.
(and he won't get any of it)
Should I stab him???