I need some help...


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Aug 21, 2012
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This is going to be weird for me but fuck it. I'm 30 years old. I've have been working since 16. All warehouse jobs or smaller jobs. Right now I'm a sub-contractor. I have a wife and kid. My wife has started community college. It got me thinking. I've never done anything with my life. I don't feel like I'm smart but I guess that's because of lack of knowledge. I dropped out in 9th grade. I recently got my GED because I was force to get it because of probation. I've never gotten in trouble with the law just to let you know. Just this one time for a dwi that I regret. I will never do that again.

With that said, I don't even know how I passed my GED test. But I did. But I don't remember anything about school. Most of middle school stuff I didn't pay attention but I went to a ghetto school and they would just pass you. At least they passed me. But I don't remember squat. I know adding, subtracting, multiplication, and dividing. That's it. I don't know about fractions and anything else after that. Nothing about pre-algebra. I know very little about history, I'm alright in reading and writing. I'm just lacking lots of simple knowledge.

I'm tired of this. I want to be something and earn $30,000 and up. All my life I've always made less than $27,500 a year. My wife and I don't struggle because we are smart enough not to get into stupid debt like too much credit cards and unnecessary wants. So basically we just have the rent, 2 cars but only paying one because the other one is paid for, and bills plus one credit card we always use and pay everything once the bill comes in to have our credit going. My son is 4 years old and I want to push him too and will lean on him hard towards school and college. It's not so much I want to be something so he can see I did it, I just want to be something so I can feel good about my self and make more money. That's never is a bad thing.

I know I'm venting in this but fuck it, I need to. I never do this. I never talk about my problems because I always fix my own problems. This gets to me though. I want to do something about it. I don't care if I'm old already for school. I want to do it. I just don't know how and where to begin. I want to teach myself because I can't go to school. I don't have the time. I just don't know where to start. How do I go about learning from the beginning? Middle school stuff and on to high school. I really want to start from scratch and work myself up. I want to do something with my life. I want to have a career. I'm tired of busting my ass in labor work. I don't care if I have to work long hours as a computer programmer and shit. I'm just tired of working in labor. I know it's not for me. Is rather work long hours in another field than labor work. I'm fed up. If I have to to labor work for the rest of my life, I will for my son and wife. But I'm tired of this shit man.

Sorry about the rants. I guess I just needed to let this out. I guess I'm asking anyone here is they would know how I can go about relearning everything and starting from middle school. I want to try to do something with my life. Don't care if people laugh at me cause of my age. I want to have a career outside of labor work. So please, anyone, if you can help me out with that information I would appreciate it. Guess the best thing that I learned was to root for the Bears and be a long life Bears fan. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this so it can help me out. I apologize if I disrespected anyone or wasted anyone's time by posting this. I don't really talk to anyone so I'd figured why not the Bears posters. I apologize for that. I'm not a dork either and all funky. Lol. I'm a regular Hispanic character that is not into being a thug or being stupid. I'm laid back and what not. Just wanted to point that out after saying, "I don't really talk to anyone".

Bear Down!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

This is going to be weird for me but fuck it. I'm 30 years old. I've have been working since 16. All warehouse jobs or smaller jobs. Right now I'm a sub-contractor. I have a wife and kid. My wife has started community college. It got me thinking. I've never done anything with my life. I don't feel like I'm smart but I guess that's because of lack of knowledge. I dropped out in 9th grade. I recently got my GED because I was force to get it because of probation. I've never gotten in trouble with the law just to let you know. Just this one time for a dwi that I regret. I will never do that again.

With that said, I don't even know how I passed my GED test. But I did. But I don't remember anything about school. Most of middle school stuff I didn't pay attention but I went to a ghetto school and they would just pass you. At least they passed me. But I don't remember squat. I know adding, subtracting, multiplication, and dividing. That's it. I don't know about fractions and anything else after that. Nothing about pre-algebra. I know very little about history, I'm alright in reading and writing. I'm just lacking lots of simple knowledge.

I'm tired of this. I want to be something and earn $30,000 and up. All my life I've always made less than $27,500 a year. My wife and I don't struggle because we are smart enough not to get into stupid debt like too much credit cards and unnecessary wants. So basically we just have the rent, 2 cars but only paying one because the other one is paid for, and bills plus one credit card we always use and pay everything once the bill comes in to have our credit going. My son is 4 years old and I want to push him too and will lean on him hard towards school and college. It's not so much I want to be something so he can see I did it, I just want to be something so I can feel good about my self and make more money. That's never is a bad thing.

I know I'm venting in this but fuck it, I need to. I never do this. I never talk about my problems because I always fix my own problems. This gets to me though. I want to do something about it. I don't care if I'm old already for school. I want to do it. I just don't know how and where to begin. I want to teach myself because I can't go to school. I don't have the time. I just don't know where to start. How do I go about learning from the beginning? Middle school stuff and on to high school. I really want to start from scratch and work myself up. I want to do something with my life. I want to have a career. I'm tired of busting my ass in labor work. I don't care if I have to work long hours as a computer programmer and shit. I'm just tired of working in labor. I know it's not for me. Is rather work long hours in another field than labor work. I'm fed up. If I have to to labor work for the rest of my life, I will for my son and wife. But I'm tired of this shit man.

Sorry about the rants. I guess I just needed to let this out. I guess I'm asking anyone here is they would know how I can go about relearning everything and starting from middle school. I want to try to do something with my life. Don't care if people laugh at me cause of my age. I want to have a career outside of labor work. So please, anyone, if you can help me out with that information I would appreciate it. Guess the best thing that I learned was to root for the Bears and be a long life Bears fan. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this so it can help me out. I apologize if I disrespected anyone or wasted anyone's time by posting this. I don't really talk to anyone so I'd figured why not the Bears posters. I know wrong forum but I feel there are more people here. I apologize for that. I'm not a dork either and all funky. Lol. I'm a regular Hispanic character that is not into being a thug or being stupid. I'm laid back and what not. Just wanted to point that out after saying, "I don't really talk to anyone".

Bear Down!!!

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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Kudos to manning up and posting IBleedBearsblood. Don't feel bad at all. I am happy to see you want to aspire to better things and it is never too late to start. Just because you didn't go to college and do the usual gring towards a 9 to 5 job or career doesn't mean you can't. Half of my pals that went to U.C.L.A. with me studied law, med, business, and political science. Some of those now are lawyers and doctors and others have regular jobs that they really don't like. A few actually scrapped their degree and started over at 30 and opened up their own businesses that don't have anything to do with their schooling. Sort of a waste but they are making the most $$ of the bunch, not using their degree.

My point is you do not need to start over and go to trade school, college, get school loans and more debt to just be placed in a 9 to 5. My advice would be find out what you are really interested in and makes you happy first because you are going to be doing that for years to come and you do not want to hate going to work like a lot of people do every morning. Then put together your resume and spice it up a little bit and put it out there.

The easiest way to get a job/career is through a friend. Soo many people get hired immediately if their company has an opening and you are available and a hard worker. You can start at the bottom and gain experience and standing in the company and move up fast. For example, in the mortgage business if you know someone they will put you in opening loans and then you can go to processing in a decent amount of time if you work hard and are personable. Talk to all your friends first. It is the easiest way in. Then take it from there. You could also jump into sales as well. Some of those guys didn't graduate school and are making up to 25k a month depending on what they sell.

Good luck and get out of the labor industry


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

Kudos to manning up and posting IBleedBearsblood. Don't feel bad at all. I am happy to see you want to aspire to better things and it is never too late to start. Just because you didn't go to college and do the usual gring towards a 9 to 5 job or career doesn't mean you can't. Half of my pals that went to U.C.L.A. with me studied law, med, business, and political science. Some of those now are lawyers and doctors and others have regular jobs that they really don't like. A few actually scrapped their degree and started over at 30 and opened up their own businesses that don't have anything to do with their schooling. Sort of a waste but they are making the most $$ of the bunch, not using their degree.

My point is you do not need to start over and go to trade school, college, get school loans and more debt to just be placed in a 9 to 5. My advice would be find out what you are really interested in and makes you happy first because you are going to be doing that for years to come and you do not want to hate going to work like a lot of people do every morning. Then put together your resume and spice it up a little bit and put it out there.

The easiest way to get a job/career is through a friend. Soo many people get hired immediately if their company has an opening and you are available and a hard worker. You can start at the bottom and gain experience and standing in the company and move up fast. For example, in the mortgage business if you know someone they will put you in opening loans and then you can go to processing in a decent amount of time if you work hard and are personable. Talk to all your friends first. It is the easiest way in. Then take it from there. You could also jump into sales as well. Some of those guys didn't graduate school and are making up to 25k a month depending on what they sell.

Good luck and get out of the labor industry

I appreciate your response man. I really do. I see the other options you gave. What I really want to do is work with computers. A computer programmer or a software developer. I know you need at least an associates for that and that's getting lucky to get in with just that and not a bachelors. I also know you need to be good in math as well. I don't know how to code or know any coding languages. I know about them but nothing at all. I just know the basics about computers. That's why I want to start from scratch on math and learn algebra and calculus. I've been reading it helps you out. Now I'm pretty good at learning things, I just want to do it right and from scratch. I also wouldn't mind a small business as well. I always wanted that. Nothing fancy just small. Wouldn't mind if it only brings in $35,000-$40,000 a year. For that, would I need a business degree to better understand it or just information on the web? I really am interested in those 2.

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Aug 21, 2012
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Look into trade schools. Most trades pay very well and have good benies. There are a ton of them. Many have job placement. Most are relatively short so you won't be handcuffed trying to hold down a part time gig while grinding out semester after semester. Find something you're interested in. Thats the key to being happy.
Its never too late to go back to school. My old man switch gears at the age of 47 and doesn't regret it for a second.
If your really interested in computers you should have no problem learning as long as you're passionate about it and dont get lazy.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Other things to take into consideration are, would you be happy sitting behind a desk, or are you better off working with your hands. Little things like that really matter at the end of the day.


CCS Mock Draft Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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Bigtime kudos for putting your life out on here for advice, pretty cool if you ask me.

Just a couple things I wanna say...

As Guapo said, find out what you like to do, want to do, and go from there.

As far as teaching yourself the basics, go to a library and get a GED book and actually use it. Those books teach you step by step. Be curious, find shit out, fuck whoever doesn't like it. We were all dumbass' at some point bro.

As for the rest, it seems like you have a great thing going with your wife and son, so don't measure success only off of what you do for work.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Other things to take into consideration are, would you be happy sitting behind a desk, or are you better off working with your hands. Little things like that really matter at the end of the day.

I hear you and your right. I think I would rather work behind a desk. I wouldn't mind sacrificing some things. I would like a 9-5 and if I have to work overtime at times that's ok. I just want to be there for my son in the future when he has his football games or whatever and be in his life. I don't want to work all day as I am now. I don't mind sacrificing anything for that. I do love computers though. Just knowing I can code for a hardware gets me excited. I would be very passionate on learning that. That or a small business.

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Aug 21, 2012
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Bigtime kudos for putting your life out on here for advice, pretty cool if you ask me.

Just a couple things I wanna say...

As Guapo said, find out what you like to do, want to do, and go from there.

As far as teaching yourself the basics, go to a library and get a GED book and actually use it. Those books teach you step by step. Be curious, find shit out, fuck whoever doesn't like it. We were all dumbass' at some point bro.

As for the rest, it seems like you have a great thing going with your wife and son, so don't measure success only off of what you do for work.

Thanks man. As far as the GED goes, I'll do that. I know as of this new year they changed the GED test and made it harder now. So I will pick up one of the new books to learn all that. I like what you said about measuring success. Good shit. I'll keep that in mind.

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I hear you and your right. I think I would rather work behind a desk. I wouldn't mind sacrificing some things. I would like a 9-5 and if I have to work overtime at times that's ok. I just want to be there for my son in the future when he has his football games or whatever and be in his life. I don't want to work all day as I am now. I don't mind sacrificing anything for that. I do love computers though. Just knowing I can code for a hardware gets me excited. I would be very passionate on learning that. That or a small business.

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You can learn to code online and even get jobs via your coding ability. Degrees aren't always necessary with programming. My buddy got a job without school being a programmer easily. If you know your stuff you can be a good candidate. Or if you just want to brush up on programming or learn the basics, give it a try. I linked you one of the top sites to learn and then a site that shows the top 10 programming sites to learn from. They're all free I think. Just in case they aren't, don't pay for something like that. A lot of sites are free.




Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

You can learn to code online and even get jobs via your coding ability. Degrees aren't always necessary with programming. My buddy got a job without school being a programmer easily. If you know your stuff you can be a good candidate.

I heard about that. As long as you know how to code and show them projects you've done and shows you know what your doing, you'll get in. Won't pay as high without a degree but better than less than $27,000. Thanks for the links man. Ill definitely check them out.

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I heard about that. As long as you know how to code and show them projects you've done and shows you know what your doing, you'll get in. Won't pay as high without a degree but better than less than $27,000. Thanks for the links man. Ill definitely check them out.

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If all else fails, go to a Bears tryout. You could probably start at MLB or DT.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

I'll take Tuckers job any day. I'd probably would do better than him. I'll most likely end up being the next Ariese Currie. Lol

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New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
I appreciate your response man. I really do. I see the other options you gave. What I really want to do is work with computers. A computer programmer or a software developer. I know you need at least an associates for that and that's getting lucky to get in with just that and not a bachelors. I also know you need to be good in math as well. I don't know how to code or know any coding languages. I know about them but nothing at all. I just know the basics about computers. That's why I want to start from scratch on math and learn algebra and calculus. I've been reading it helps you out. Now I'm pretty good at learning things, I just want to do it right and from scratch. I also wouldn't mind a small business as well. I always wanted that. Nothing fancy just small. Wouldn't mind if it only brings in $35,000-$40,000 a year. For that, would I need a business degree to better understand it or just information on the web? I really am interested in those 2.

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My friend is doing IT work right now. He had a friend in the business that made around 90k and he taught him.how to set up firewalls and troubleshoot a little. The rest my friend learned from big software and computer books at book stores or online. It took him a couple of weeks of studying and then fudging his resume a little and going in as just a technical.support for a small company. Then he was assistant to some old wise computer dude that tutored him and now 2 years later he knows all about IT and put his updated resume out there and found another startup company in need of someone to set up their computers and he is making 110k from 65k at the beginning.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

My friend is doing IT work right now. He had a friend in the business that made around 90k and he taught him.how to set up firewalls and troubleshoot a little. The rest my friend learned from big software and computer books at book stores or online. It took him a couple of weeks of studying and then fudging his resume a little and going in as just a technical.support for a small company. Then he was assistant to some old wise computer dude that tutored him and now 2 years later he knows all about IT and put his updated resume out there and found another startup company in need of someone to set up their computers and he is making 110k from 65k at the beginning.

Damn. That's is crazy money for so little time. I am going to do it man. I really want to learn my math so I will start from scratch on that but everything else will be IT. I'm going to study hard and if I catch a break, even better.

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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Damn. That's is crazy money for so little time. I am going to do it man. I really want to learn my math so I will start from scratch on that but everything else will be IT. I'm going to study hard and if I catch a beak, even better.

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Trust me...you don't need to learn math....unless you want to in your spare time. Just study online in your spare time. You might have to go to a placement agency and if they like you they will hire you full time in IT or a related field. Study and get that resume ready bro


Aug 21, 2012
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The easiest way to get a job/career is through a friend. Soo many people get hired immediately if their company has an opening and you are available and a hard worker. You can start at the bottom and gain experience and standing in the company and move up fast. For example, in the mortgage business if you know someone they will put you in opening loans and then you can go to processing in a decent amount of time if you work hard and are personable. Talk to all your friends first. It is the easiest way in. Then take it from there. You could also jump into sales as well. Some of those guys didn't graduate school and are making up to 25k a month depending on what they sell.

Good luck and get out of the labor industry

Not ragging on the post but ppl that excel in these jobs are talkers. They're sweet-talkers...the main attractions at parties. These are usually no salary jobs that you work on commission. Not ideal for a family guy but he could do it.

You've been in a warehouse since 16 y/o. What makes you think you would like programming? Straight desk job and you work some odd hours mostly. I'm not shooting you down - just curious on how you fell onto computers (^didn't read all posts:nervous:). Do some more research and for gods sake never stop learning! Visit http://www.khanacademy.org and start learning there. SO much info and the site is legit! It can help you with the basics and you could brain storm on other occupations as well keeping in mind - the time, money, prospective job start date and the debt of education dollars accrued...


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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OT/ sorry guys, I need some help.

Not ragging on the post but ppl that excel in these jobs are talkers. They're sweet-talkers...the main attractions at parties. These are usually no salary jobs that you work on commission. Not ideal for a family guy but he could do it.

You've been in a warehouse since 16 y/o. What makes you think you would like programming? Straight desk job and you work some odd hours mostly. I'm not shooting you down - just curious on how you fell onto computers (^didn't read all posts:nervous:). Do some more research and for gods sake never stop learning! Visit http://www.khanacademy.org and start learning there. SO much info and the site is legit! It can help you with the basics and you could brain storm on other occupations as well keeping in mind - the time, money, prospective job start date and the debt of education dollars accrued...

I've always been in love with electronics. I have a ps4, and ipad air, a laptop, iphone 5, Apple TV, etc. Since I've been a kid I always loved electronics. I'm just fascinated on what makes all of my electronics run and how. Wether it's coding for a program, computer, console, app, I love the idea behind it. I've always wanted to create my own program. I've tried a website a long time ago to code something and it intrigued me. I just didn't continue. Now I know I have to and I will. Trust me, I have done my research and I see what they do all day in a cubicle and how boring it may look. Of course I haven't experienced it myself but I'm still fascinated by it. I'm up to date with all electronics and technology that has come out. I can tell you on the fly pretty much about anything new that hasn't came out yet but certain specs that have been released what not. I'm a geek when it comes to that. I'm just more into what make those things run. How is the program made and set. I just like it dude.

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Not ragging on the post but ppl that excel in these jobs are talkers. They're sweet-talkers...the main attractions at parties. These are usually no salary jobs that you work on commission. Not ideal for a family guy but he could do it.

You've been in a warehouse since 16 y/o. What makes you think you would like programming? Straight desk job and you work some odd hours mostly. I'm not shooting you down - just curious on how you fell onto computers (^didn't read all posts:nervous:). Do some more research and for gods sake never stop learning! Visit http://www.khanacademy.org and start learning there. SO much info and the site is legit! It can help you with the basics and you could brain storm on other occupations as well keeping in mind - the time, money, prospective job start date and the debt of education dollars accrued...

Great link by the way. Has what I am looking for for math from scratch. Thanks dude.

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