I need some help...


Dump VJJ
Aug 21, 2012
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Albuquerque, NM
Hop a train for $80 to North Dakota ( assuming you are near Chicago). You can make six figures out there doing just about any job as long as you are willing to work and pass a drug test. Lots of guys do 14 on 14 off and the train makes is affordable to travel back and forth.

Doing what, fracking? (Serious question).

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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Aug 21, 2012
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So guys, I decided to give an update. I didn’t go back to school. But I applied myself in the field I was in. That would be construction. I went from being a supervisor, to now a superintendent for a multi-family company. I still don’t have any certifications, degrees, or anything. Just hard work and progress. I got my foot in with this great company in 2015. I was the sub contractor doing the work and I asked the project manager how can I be a project manager. I was always shy and not very social. I still am a tad today. But I knew I had to push myself to make it happen.

So I got in (took 2 tries) and was offered $32,500. I took it just to get in and was more than I was making either way. No knowledge. Kept asking and learning. Worked hard! Finally completed my first 378 apartment unit renovation project and was given a $30,000 raise. And now I’m a superintendent making 6 figures. Went from being a laborer doing the renovation in apartment units, to managing the unit project, to renovating clubhouses, to helping out on new construction multi- family projects.

It’s not what I wanted to do in my life but I’m ok with that. Just took the opportunity to present itself and for me to push myself hard. Now I’m learning even more about the construction manager side. Writing contracts, full budgets, etc. I just won’t stop learning because the more knowledge I have, the better I am and the more valuable I am.

Took some hard work but I am very happy how far I have become. Bought me a new Ram truck, a house in a great area with good ranked schools (which was important for my wife) and my wife has her suv. No credit card debt. Just mortgage, 1 vehicle payment, and your usual bills. My wife has a good job too. We plan on investing soon and even opening up a business in the future.

I really think my original posting and replies from everyone really helped me. I want to thank everyone that replied and just wanted to give a really late update. The most important thing I realized in this progress so far, is that you have to apply yourself. Push yourself. Things won’t just happen for you. I’ve always had a great work ethic. I was just shy and not social. But one must have to take theirselves out of their comfort level and push theirselves to the extreme.
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Active member
May 25, 2020
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This is going to be weird for me but fuck it. I'm 30 years old. I've have been working since 16. All warehouse jobs or smaller jobs. Right now I'm a sub-contractor. I have a wife and kid. My wife has started community college. It got me thinking. I've never done anything with my life. I don't feel like I'm smart but I guess that's because of lack of knowledge. I dropped out in 9th grade. I recently got my GED because I was force to get it because of probation. I've never gotten in trouble with the law just to let you know. Just this one time for a dwi that I regret. I will never do that again.

With that said, I don't even know how I passed my GED test. But I did. But I don't remember anything about school. Most of middle school stuff I didn't pay attention but I went to a ghetto school and they would just pass you. At least they passed me. But I don't remember squat. I know adding, subtracting, multiplication, and dividing. That's it. I don't know about fractions and anything else after that. Nothing about pre-algebra. I know very little about history, I'm alright in reading and writing. I'm just lacking lots of simple knowledge.

I'm tired of this. I want to be something and earn $30,000 and up. All my life I've always made less than $27,500 a year. My wife and I don't struggle because we are smart enough not to get into stupid debt like too much credit cards and unnecessary wants. So basically we just have the rent, 2 cars but only paying one because the other one is paid for, and bills plus one credit card we always use and pay everything once the bill comes in to have our credit going. My son is 4 years old and I want to push him too and will lean on him hard towards school and college. It's not so much I want to be something so he can see I did it, I just want to be something so I can feel good about my self and make more money. That's never is a bad thing.

I know I'm venting in this but fuck it, I need to. I never do this. I never talk about my problems because I always fix my own problems. This gets to me though. I want to do something about it. I don't care if I'm old already for school. I want to do it. I just don't know how and where to begin. I want to teach myself because I can't go to school. I don't have the time. I just don't know where to start. How do I go about learning from the beginning? Middle school stuff and on to high school. I really want to start from scratch and work myself up. I want to do something with my life. I want to have a career. I'm tired of busting my ass in labor work. I don't care if I have to work long hours as a computer programmer and shit. I'm just tired of working in labor. I know it's not for me. Is rather work long hours in another field than labor work. I'm fed up. If I have to to labor work for the rest of my life, I will for my son and wife. But I'm tired of this shit man.

Sorry about the rants. I guess I just needed to let this out. I guess I'm asking anyone here is they would know how I can go about relearning everything and starting from middle school. I want to try to do something with my life. Don't care if people laugh at me cause of my age. I want to have a career outside of labor work. So please, anyone, if you can help me out with that information I would appreciate it. Guess the best thing that I learned was to root for the Bears and be a long life Bears fan. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this so it can help me out. I apologize if I disrespected anyone or wasted anyone's time by posting this. I don't really talk to anyone so I'd figured why not the Bears posters. I apologize for that. I'm not a dork either and all funky. Lol. I'm a regular Hispanic character that is not into being a thug or being stupid. I'm laid back and what not. Just wanted to point that out after saying, "I don't really talk to anyone".

Bear Down!!!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro
I feel you on this. Pivoting in career paths is an incredibly difficult thing to do. I'm 31, and I was lucky enough to get into free coding program locally. I've done several rounds of it, and it inspired me to finally go for an associate's degree. There are alot of programs and networks out there to help adult transition into technology based jobs. You just gotta keep grinding and turn over every rock. I've found a couple CAD jobs recently that offer on job training. Fingers crossed for you dude! If you need any help looking for programs like that let me know, and I can assist!


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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You should look up Dave Ramsey on YouTube. His plan certainly did my life good.
I have seen his videos. I have 6 months saved and I only have the mortgage and truck. The truck I plan to pay it off in 8-12 months. Then look into investing in mutual funds or at least get more knowledgeable in that area. I also though about just saving and paying off the house in 5-6 years. But we will see what it comes to.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
I started reading the initial post and realized it was from 2014....Great to hear that you put your head down and found your path.

I have never bought into the "find something you like" crap. Honestly, if you start doing the thing you love, as a job, then you end up killing the fun. I have always approached it as my job does not define me, it feeds me and my family.

I guess I have had some success at work because I never approached it with the idea that I was there to make friends. I will respect someone that works as hard as I do, and I am not an asshat, but I'm not approaching my work like it is a social event either.

Keep working hard and make plans to enjoy your life while you are still working, it makes you life richer and you can actually afford to do it...


Sep 10, 2019
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This is going to be weird for me but fuck it. I'm 30 years old. I've have been working since 16. All warehouse jobs or smaller jobs. Right now I'm a sub-contractor. I have a wife and kid. My wife has started community college. It got me thinking. I've never done anything with my life. I don't feel like I'm smart but I guess that's because of lack of knowledge. I dropped out in 9th grade. I recently got my GED because I was force to get it because of probation. I've never gotten in trouble with the law just to let you know. Just this one time for a dwi that I regret. I will never do that again.

With that said, I don't even know how I passed my GED test. But I did. But I don't remember anything about school. Most of middle school stuff I didn't pay attention but I went to a ghetto school and they would just pass you. At least they passed me. But I don't remember squat. I know adding, subtracting, multiplication, and dividing. That's it. I don't know about fractions and anything else after that. Nothing about pre-algebra. I know very little about history, I'm alright in reading and writing. I'm just lacking lots of simple knowledge.

I'm tired of this. I want to be something and earn $30,000 and up. All my life I've always made less than $27,500 a year. My wife and I don't struggle because we are smart enough not to get into stupid debt like too much credit cards and unnecessary wants. So basically we just have the rent, 2 cars but only paying one because the other one is paid for, and bills plus one credit card we always use and pay everything once the bill comes in to have our credit going. My son is 4 years old and I want to push him too and will lean on him hard towards school and college. It's not so much I want to be something so he can see I did it, I just want to be something so I can feel good about my self and make more money. That's never is a bad thing.

I know I'm venting in this but fuck it, I need to. I never do this. I never talk about my problems because I always fix my own problems. This gets to me though. I want to do something about it. I don't care if I'm old already for school. I want to do it. I just don't know how and where to begin. I want to teach myself because I can't go to school. I don't have the time. I just don't know where to start. How do I go about learning from the beginning? Middle school stuff and on to high school. I really want to start from scratch and work myself up. I want to do something with my life. I want to have a career. I'm tired of busting my ass in labor work. I don't care if I have to work long hours as a computer programmer and shit. I'm just tired of working in labor. I know it's not for me. Is rather work long hours in another field than labor work. I'm fed up. If I have to to labor work for the rest of my life, I will for my son and wife. But I'm tired of this shit man.

Sorry about the rants. I guess I just needed to let this out. I guess I'm asking anyone here is they would know how I can go about relearning everything and starting from middle school. I want to try to do something with my life. Don't care if people laugh at me cause of my age. I want to have a career outside of labor work. So please, anyone, if you can help me out with that information I would appreciate it. Guess the best thing that I learned was to root for the Bears and be a long life Bears fan. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this so it can help me out. I apologize if I disrespected anyone or wasted anyone's time by posting this. I don't really talk to anyone so I'd figured why not the Bears posters. I apologize for that. I'm not a dork either and all funky. Lol. I'm a regular Hispanic character that is not into being a thug or being stupid. I'm laid back and what not. Just wanted to point that out after saying, "I don't really talk to anyone".

Bear Down!!!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro

The first step to doing something is wanting it. It sounds like you might be interested in tech. A lot of companies are using Salesforce. There's a few free ways to learn Salesforce on the internet. Look into trailhead, its a set of modules that will teach you. It might take some time, especially learning while working full time and long hours. But spend a few extra hours at night during the weekdays to learn. Or do it during the weekends. Just keep up with it and you can learn some skills you might need to find something that pays pretty well. The tech industry is good because there are many jobs that don't require a degree. I know someone mentioned sales, a lot of companies will hire anyone with sales and if you can make a sale they'll keep you. However, I would suggest not going into anything strictly commission based. (That's just me, and sales isn't for everybody). Keep your head up, keep grinding and you'll make the right connections to advance in whatever it is.

I know the struggle to a certain extent, I'm in the midst of a career change. I graduated with two bachelor's degrees (secondary ed and history) and it has been tough to find something. I would have my own business right now if it wasn't for Covid. But, I'm still working toward the business with hopes that I can get my travel soccer team going in the Fall. If anyone is interested in signing their kid up for travel soccer, let me know... We are determined to build a very strong program and be highly competitive. It all starts with the coaching. (I don't usually do that, but hey, felt like a good time to throw that in there haha).


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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The first step to doing something is wanting it. It sounds like you might be interested in tech. A lot of companies are using Salesforce. There's a few free ways to learn Salesforce on the internet. Look into trailhead, its a set of modules that will teach you. It might take some time, especially learning while working full time and long hours. But spend a few extra hours at night during the weekdays to learn. Or do it during the weekends. Just keep up with it and you can learn some skills you might need to find something that pays pretty well. The tech industry is good because there are many jobs that don't require a degree. I know someone mentioned sales, a lot of companies will hire anyone with sales and if you can make a sale they'll keep you. However, I would suggest not going into anything strictly commission based. (That's just me, and sales isn't for everybody). Keep your head up, keep grinding and you'll make the right connections to advance in whatever it is.

I know the struggle to a certain extent, I'm in the midst of a career change. I graduated with two bachelor's degrees (secondary ed and history) and it has been tough to find something. I would have my own business right now if it wasn't for Covid. But, I'm still working toward the business with hopes that I can get my travel soccer team going in the Fall. If anyone is interested in signing their kid up for travel soccer, let me know... We are determined to build a very strong program and be highly competitive. It all starts with the coaching. (I don't usually do that, but hey, felt like a good time to throw that in there haha).
Good advice. Just so you know, you replied to my post in 2014. I gave an update yesterday.
