They both fall right in line ...Socialist/Communists would love to knock our govt out as would an anarchist..
Socialists and communists are in favor of a big, powerful, economically active State. Anarchists are for the opposite; no discernible government at all. If you had half a brain, you'd be embarrassed by the nonsense you come up with.
Besides, according to you, this Obama administration is socialist, so why would a socialist want to change it?
But truthfully, you don't understand what socialism is, and you wouldn't be able to successfully identify socialist politics if your life depended on it. You're a Fox monkey. Your ability to engage in political discourse goes as far as parroting drivel that you hear from other likeminded 'tards, and that's about it.
I can honestly say with no hesitation..If I worked for the FBI, I would have a file on you and I wouldnt be surprised if they already do.
No offense intended, but by reading your posts I would have someone watching you 24/7
That's right, because you love free-duhm so much. Well done, you're a true beacon of American values.
In reality though, it doesn't surprise me that a paranoid wingnut like yourself would want to waste public money by keeping tabs on someone who has a different political opinion to you. It fits perfectly with the stereotypical small-minded, ignorant, unlearned tea party "patriot" type that you reinforce.