I decided I had to put this in to perspective for my own benefit, if nothing else...
after having sat through the Hawks trading off Secord, Savard, Larmer, ok- still having a pretty good team, then having them trade away Hasek, ok -maybe expansion would have gotten him -who knows... then having to watch the team trade off Belfour, Roenick, and then Chelios (frankly after that amount of gutting in the decade that Chelios was on the team -who could blame the guy for wanting out and wanting to be on a contender- but apparently some bandwagoners like bandying around the term "traitor" -as if Chelios and *not* WWW was the actual baddy ...) ... booing Chelios -come on - get real ... work out your team's history people ... (f-ing pathetic frankly)...
I guess I can take losing the likes of Ben Eager. . . it really isn't that big of a deal.
And the 2007-08 wasn't so bad either - it showed there was some hope.