Yeah, not sure why they think these goalies on the backend of their careers are the answer. You see young goalies popping up here and there all the time in this league, at some point they are going to have to give some kid a chance. Crawford wasn't born experienced....he became experienced from playing. Do what you have to do....sign, trade or draft a young goalie and let him play.
The reason why was Forsberg last season: A young, rookie goalie getting shelled night-in/night-out behind the worst defense the 'hawks have iced since MTV *actually* played music videos.
And let's not forget Crawford spent about 6 years in the A before getting his shot..and even then it took a few before he come into his own.
While Ward did let in that Charmin™ soft goal to end it last night (while Keith, Toews, and Kane were busy playing grabass), he has been making saves that Forsberg never could last year.
The major issue is this: Keith and Seabs are barely middle-pairings right now and are being run roughshod thanks to Q. Stan got no one to help with the D. He also stood pat in goal instead of looking for someone better than Ward on the off chance Crawford is finished.
Throwing Delia or the like into this would be bad. You want the option of a net-minder (preferably one better than Ward) who has been there/done that behind a defense that fails to play defense...even when faced with a very strong opposing offense.
I think a this point you just wait it out...Q should be let go eventually (especially if the O cools down), and hopefully the next gen coach will build around Joker and Boqivst and relegate Keith & Seabs to a lesser role.