Only position player likely to be traded is Bryant. Everyone else has zero value. Rizzo has been hurt too often this year. Baez is batting .230. The real value for buyers will be the Cubs’ bullpen arms.
This is incorrect. They have value. The issue is too much of one thing and lacking set up players.
Jed built this team to be all 3-5 hitters and tossed away the set up players who put the ball into play.
Then David has no clue on how to build a line up that can produce runs. Running Joc vs right and Contreras vs left is sad. Batting Baez #3 is sad.
At this point David should bat
After Bryant is traded start up Wisdom at 3B.
Any trades after this would depend on the return. If it is less that the value of a QO then pass. Don't trade just to trade.
Also I'm at the point with Wisdom to put Duffy over him in the depth chart. Make him and Happ battle for PA's and Joc in CF and Wisdom in LF.
The Cubs need less all or nothing.
At most the 3-5 should be SLG. the rest are there to put the ball in play and play strong D.