I think what the few dickweeds do here is despicable and a sign of deep sickness. This place has descended to the point where all we have left is a couple dozen active posters who are able to tolerate the 5 psycho's that show up and try to get under their skin every time somebody says something meaningful.
Some people are here to talk sports, or social issues in the bar, or whatever, but a few represent the sickest aspects of humanity trying to get a laugh at others expense no matter the cost. It has gotten to the point where they gang up on you, and as you see in the blackhawks campaign create a smear campaign twisting what people are saying and getting joy from anyone they can get to lose their cool.
I would relish a CCS cage match, for real. Set it up. Make it legal. Lets get permits and charge admission, maybe we can bring some traffic back to replace the masses they have chased off.
I nominate Lancestone as the Dana White "director", and Rush treasury. I think this could be big, a bunch of nerds having it out. Vegas might not allow it, particularly without weight classes....we could do weight classes.
We may have to charter a permit in Thailand or something like that for safety reasons. But I know it would be huge on the internets. Especially if we did royal rumble style like 10 at a time free for all, one man standing.