Jed Hoyer Disses Cubs Fans


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Jul 12, 2013
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The Cubbies' GM also emphasized that the front office was not going to change its approach to placate anxious fans Kaplan also tweets. "We will not hit the fast forward button on our plan simply because people are impatient," Hoyer said. "It will make it worth it in the end."

You hear that Cubs fans? This franchise does not respect it's fanbase at all. People should be impatient because this lousy ass team hasn't a championship in over 100+ years and counting. They haven't even been to a World Series since 1945 or something. Stop going to the games if you have any sort of dignity or self respect. The product on the field is a joke, and you are being used and lied to by an opportunistic ownership group.


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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Nah, I don't take anything by it. He's right, so I'm fine with it.


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Yeah. It isn't really insulting so much as saying in order to have the success we are looking for, we must remain patient and focused on the plan. That's really nice of him. It seems as though the restaurant owners still want dine-in patrons while serving crappy food for a while longer.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2013
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Um, ok... no sense of urgency about being competitive or winning.

I forgot Cubs fans are whores for epic failure. All Ricketts has to do is keep the Bud cold and the manager on a short hook.


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Oct 31, 2012
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I'm happy to wait 4-5 years into a Theo and company regime is it leads to prolonged success. Now there's no guarantees in this game but in his time in boston Theo didn't have a single losing season including 2 world series titles. I think he's earned the chance to do things his way. I've seen the cubs go out and dump a ton of money into winning now and it didn't work.

It's possible that this will all fail and the front office will be gone. But the difference between that and the past regime who went into win now mode is that there should at the very least be a positive farm system.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Same song and dance from a Sox fan...

Look the fact is that this was a terrible organization top to bottom for pretty much the past six decades. Expecting that to be undone in a couple seasons was both unreasonable and unrealistic.


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Same song and dance from a Sox fan...

Look the fact is that this was a terrible organization top to bottom for pretty much the past six decades. Expecting that to be undone in a couple seasons was both unreasonable and unrealistic.

And that's fine, but people want to see a semblance of progress at the MLB level. You can't tell me right now that the MLB roster is any closer to winning a World Series than it was 2 years ago. The "core pieces" IDed by management, Rizzo, Castro, (Barney, Shark) aren't core pieces on other teams.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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And that's fine, but people want to see a semblance of progress at the MLB level. You can't tell me right now that the MLB roster is any closer to winning a World Series than it was 2 years ago. The "core pieces" IDed by management, Rizzo, Castro, (Barney, Shark) aren't core pieces on other teams.
We go around and around on this, but the reality is that unless this team spent at a level that they have never spent at and got everything right there is no way they were over taking the Cardinals/Red/Pirates. So bitch and moan that the Cubs finished yet another 60 win season like it is something we are unaccustomed to and we will see where we are when the long term investments pan out one way or the other.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2012
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And that's fine, but people want to see a semblance of progress at the MLB level. You can't tell me right now that the MLB roster is any closer to winning a World Series than it was 2 years ago. The "core pieces" IDed by management, Rizzo, Castro, (Barney, Shark) aren't core pieces on other teams.

I'd question how you go about progressing a 70 win team without a strong farm system before Theo and company were brought in. It'd be one thing if the ownership opened the check books LA style but they didn't and even then LA had a bunch of quality players in their farm system that they used in the trade with boston. It's easy to sit here and say they should have done a better job putting MLB level players out there but which? All things considered, probably 75% of the guys they have brought in via trade of FA have been more successful than you would have thought. We're talking Maholm, Wood, Arrieta, Strop, Dejesus(to some extent), Schierholtz, Navarro, Feldman vs Baker, Stewart and Jackson and the japanesse RP who's name escapes me at the moment but I'd argue both of those could still improve after year 1. And that's also before you consider the prospects they've brought in.

I'm not saying that we should be happy about the MLB performance over the past 2 years but at the same time I don't see anything that could have made any difference. Even if they bought in players who provided 15 more wins you're still looking at a team that isn't making the playoffs and bringing in 15 wins via FA is pretty ridiculous considering average MLB players are worth about 2 WAR a piece and Allstars are 4-5.

And to be perfectly blunt, I'll trade 2 crappy years plus whatever next year is for say 6-8 year run if that is indeed what we get out of the prospects in the pipe. I'd much rather see that then the 2 year run they had with Soriano and co followed by 4-5 years of crap.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2013
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Look, building through the draft and developing players sounds nice, but the reality is it takes time to build a contending team this way. At the rate you're going, it will be atleast 5-6 years of losing before you see anything resembling a competitive club at the big league level.

Frankly, the Cubs past problems had nothing to do with money and everything to do with poor management and bad choices. No one can say with a straight face that the players the Cubs spent money on were worth it. They did what they do now; spend money on mediocre players who had one good year and got overpaid. Bradley and Byrd are perfect examples of this.

In any event, you Cubs fans need to wake up and smell the coffee. This ownership group has taken a page from "Dollar" Bill Wirtz. Stop going to the games and send a message to ownership that you fans should not be taken for granted. These people are multi-billionaires who knew what they were getting themselves into when they entered bids for ownership of the team.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Look, building through the draft and developing players sounds nice, but the reality is it takes time to build a contending team this way. At the rate you're going, it will be atleast 5-6 years of losing before you see anything resembling a competitive club at the big league level.

Frankly, the Cubs past problems had nothing to do with money and everything to do with poor management and bad choices. No one can say with a straight face that the players the Cubs spent money on were worth it. They did what they do now; spend money on mediocre players who had one good year and got overpaid. Bradley and Byrd are perfect examples of this.

In any event, you Cubs fans need to wake up and smell the coffee. This ownership group has taken a page from "Dollar" Bill Wirtz. Stop going to the games and send a message to ownership that you fans should not be taken for granted. These people are multi-billionaires who knew what they were getting themselves into when they entered bids for ownership of the team.

Um, Cubs fans have done exactly this. The season ticket list continue to reach new lows and the paid attendance was the lowest in the past 15 years?

I just grow tired of the hyperbole about the situation the Cubs are in. The Cubs weren't making the playoffs in 2012/2013 unless everything broke their way and that is not a realistic approach to building a team that wins year in and year out like a certain other team in the division.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2013
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Um, Cubs fans have done exactly this. The season ticket list continue to reach new lows and the paid attendance was the lowest in the past 15 years?

I just grow tired of the hyperbole about the situation the Cubs are in. The Cubs weren't making the playoffs in 2012/2013 unless everything broke their way and that is not a realistic approach to building a team that wins year in and year out like a certain other team in the division.

I'm just looking at the big picture. Chicago is a huge market with and multiple teams worth a $Billionaire or more. There is no excuse for pulling out the pocket book for a team that hasn't won a championship since 1908. Telling fans not to be impatient at this point is insulting, especially considering the payroll dumping and acquisition of mediocre players on multiple year contracts. You can develop a farm system while improving the big league roster at the same time.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Being sold false hope by spending at Trib levels to finish third in the division with 70-80 wins is pretty insulting as well. Sure they could do that but it would have an effect on the rate at which a pretty barren farm system was rebuilt. The hope would be entirely on Baez being a stud at this point as opposed to now where there are two top 10 prospects in baseball within a year and maybe a little change from breaking into the big leagues. There are a variety of smaller prospects that wouldn't have been added as this team did what it did in the past which is hang onto non-elite talent in non-playoff years to placate a desperate fanbase.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Being sold false hope by spending at Trib levels to finish third in the division with 70-80 wins is pretty insulting as well. Sure they could do that but it would have an effect on the rate at which a pretty barren farm system was rebuilt. The hope would be entirely on Baez being a stud at this point as opposed to now where there are two top 10 prospects in baseball within a year and maybe a little change from breaking into the big leagues. There are a variety of smaller prospects that wouldn't have been added as this team did what it did in the past which is hang onto non-elite talent in non-playoff years to placate a desperate fanbase.

The Cubs would still have had the sixth pick and could have signed Soler. Im fine with some patience but you are stretching it. Bryant and next year pick are the only thing we would have been giving up. This team as it stands is worse then last years team. Unless they make some splashes it will be to start the season. Its hard to rely on prospects to come up and rake from the start. Rarely happens.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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The Cubs would still have had the sixth pick and could have signed Soler. Im fine with some patience but you are stretching it. Bryant and next year pick are the only thing we would have been giving up. This team as it stands is worse then last years team. Unless they make some splashes it will be to start the season. Its hard to rely on prospects to come up and rake from the start. Rarely happens.

Right the Cubs would have two other guys that are top 30 types depending on who you talk that are probably two years away. The Cubs also wouldn't have the fourth pick heading into this next year's draft. Add in the trades that don't get made while you try to keep this team together. Say goodbye to the best pitching prospect in the Cubs system right now and the guy who was named minor league pitcher of the year. That isn't mentioning the other power arms that they acquired in Ramirez and Black. And you keep wanting to say that the draft would have only lost Bryant, but the Cubs signing bonus money allowed them to add a number of prospects because they had more room.

It is easy to build a team that would win more games at the major league level the past two seasons. I question how realistic it was to build a team that makes the postseason in that time frame and point out that it would slow down the rebuild of the farm system to do it as much as some want to wave their hands at it.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Right the Cubs would have two other guys that are top 30 types depending on who you talk that are probably two years away. The Cubs also wouldn't have the fourth pick heading into this next year's draft. Add in the trades that don't get made while you try to keep this team together. Say goodbye to the best pitching prospect in the Cubs system right now and the guy who was named minor league pitcher of the year. That isn't mentioning the other power arms that they acquired in Ramirez and Black. And you keep wanting to say that the draft would have only lost Bryant, but the Cubs signing bonus money allowed them to add a number of prospects because they had more room.

It is easy to build a team that would win more games at the major league level the past two seasons. I question how realistic it was to build a team that makes the postseason in that time frame and point out that it would slow down the rebuild of the farm system to do it as much as some want to wave their hands at it.

Well, the problem you run into is until these guys come up and perform. You cant entirely say this is how you do it. There was a middle ground somewhere, but Ricketts wasn't going to allow that. The spending is all on Ricketts and a lot of people believe he will run this team like a mid market until all his side projects are done and they are making revenue for him. Some people could see them not spending like a big market until 2019. That to me is unacceptable and is using this fan base. Theo and them would spend. Look at Edwin Jackson, that was knee jerk reaction by Theo. He has admitted that when they lost Sanchez they panicked a little. You can say this and that but results are what matter. Being a top 10 prospect is great but until they perform with the big boys it doesn't mean much.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Well, the problem you run into is until these guys come up and perform. You cant entirely say this is how you do it. There was a middle ground somewhere, but Ricketts wasn't going to allow that. The spending is all on Ricketts and a lot of people believe he will run this team like a mid market until all his side projects are done and they are making revenue for him. Some people could see them not spending like a big market until 2019. That to me is unacceptable and is using this fan base. Theo and them would spend. Look at Edwin Jackson, that was knee jerk reaction by Theo. He has admitted that when they lost Sanchez they panicked a little. You can say this and that but results are what matter. Being a top 10 prospect is great but until they perform with the big boys it doesn't mean much.

No one is saying that the Cubs are guaranteed anything due to prospects, but building a slightly better team would have a cost on the minor leagues. Looking back at the situation the Cubs inherited (a surprisingly difficult division to name just one thing in the way of a playoff team the past two years) paints a pretty bleak picture of the middle road in my eyes given the general lack of major league talent at the end of the 2011 season.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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No one is saying that the Cubs are guaranteed anything due to prospects, but building a slightly better team would have a cost on the minor leagues. Looking back at the situation the Cubs inherited (a surprisingly difficult division to name just one thing in the way of a playoff team the past two years) paints a pretty bleak picture of the middle road in my eyes given the general lack of major league talent at the end of the 2011 season.

I agree that the team needed to go in a different direction. We just differ a little on what they could have done. We will all see at the end and hopefully it ends up with none of us caring and celebrating a championship.
