Kenny Stills & Ted Ginn Jr. Turned Bears Down in 2017

Hawkeye OG

Formerly Hawkeye
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Mar 1, 2015
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They'll be knocking down the doors and taking less money now - or so I recently read.

Even if they are knocking down the door, they have to fit our system otherwise we can't sign them no matter how talented they are. Every WR we sign needs to run a 4.3 or faster and needs to be cheap. This is what I have been told by the CCS Elites.


Better at poke her than you
Nov 2, 2016
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The home field is widely known as shit around the league. That dont help.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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This is where ownership and management are to blame! Their lack of foresight twenty years ago with the league changing should have built the correct facility in a cold ass tundra for climate. In the age of technology with HD quality pictures on our phones for Christ’s sake, how could you not realize or fear that you might lose MONEY by not updating your facility?????!

Shame shame shame! We the fans are the ones that have to suffer through shitty teams because the ownership and upper management are too stupid to realize that no one wants to come here regardless of money because we have a horrible field that probably causes more injuries, is slippery as shitty, long ass grass makes you slow as hell. Not to mention the Cole fucking sucks!!!!!!! Domes also create a much bigger advantage for home games!!!!!

How can we expect anything from this team when the owners can’t even get such an elementary/fundamental issue right?? If things keep going the way it has and no one will want to come here. We need to create an environment where people will consider pay cuts to come here instead of how it is now where guys are going elsewhere for far less!

Look at what the Cubs GM Epstein did, first thing on his to do list was upgrade the players facilities and they went from having the shittiest players faculties which were old, shitty or non existent to having probably the best in MLB.

It all starts at the top!!!

Sorry for writing a NOVEL


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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This is where ownership and management are to blame! Their lack of foresight twenty years ago with the league changing should have built the correct facility in a cold ass tundra for climate. In the age of technology with HD quality pictures on our phones for Christ’s sake, how could you not realize or fear that you might lose MONEY by not updating your facility?????!

Shame shame shame! We the fans are the ones that have to suffer through shitty teams because the ownership and upper management are too stupid to realize that no one wants to come here regardless of money because we have a horrible field that probably causes more injuries, is slippery as shitty, long ass grass makes you slow as hell. Not to mention the Cole fucking sucks!!!!!!! Domes also create a much bigger advantage for home games!!!!!

How can we expect anything from this team when the owners can’t even get such an elementary/fundamental issue right?? If things keep going the way it has and no one will want to come here. We need to create an environment where people will consider pay cuts to come here instead of how it is now where guys are going elsewhere for far less!

Look at what the Cubs GM Epstein did, first thing on his to do list was upgrade the players facilities and they went from having the shittiest players faculties which were old, shitty or non existent to having probably the best in MLB.

It all starts at the top!!!

Sorry for writing a NOVEL

Hmmm.....I could swear the Bears updated their facility within the last 20 years. Something about a spaceship landing inside the existing stadium. Maybe I was dreaming.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
Shit article didn't even say when those dudes signed elsewhere. Kind've makes a big difference.

FA mostly took place BEFORE Trubs. Not that a inexperienced rookie who wasn't supposed to play for a still-rebuilding 3-13 team was enticing either.

I was wrongly mediocre hopeful for Glennon, but wouldn't have expected him to bring WRs beating down the doors to ball here. Or having Fox & Dowell running the show. Meh - another non-story.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Pace could've franchise tagged Jeffery, that was the blunder some Bears fans resent him for.

$18m in a year for a very good #2 that you weren't going to keep when it mattered anyway? Better to try and start the replacement process even if it didn't work. Pace did the right thing by offering him millions more than anyone else on a long term deal. That we overpaid a similar amount as the tag # at another much more expensive position is immaterial. Two wrongs don't make a right.

This is from the Eagles Web site.

Jeffery took a chance in free agency last spring, reportedly spurning an opportunity to sign elsewhere for more money and more years. He wanted to be reunited with his wide receivers coach from his best years with the Chicago Bears, Mike Groh, and he wanted a chance to play with Wentz


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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The importance of the QB position. It does make a difference when trying to lure free agents. They shouldn't have that problem moving forward.

Sure about that? The Bears were last or near to last in most categories regarding the effectiveness and scoring of the passing offense, and have the QB who most national analysts ranked near the bottom of the NFL, and bottom of the high pick 2017 rookies. What makes you think any of this will sound inviting to free agent receivers (none of whom are wearing CCS optimism bear goggles)?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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Pace could've franchise tagged Jeffery, that was the blunder some Bears fans resent him for.

For what? A 1 year rental of a guy that was trying to get Julio, Antonio Brown money from the Bears, but accepted a price in the same ballpark the Bears were offering from the Eagles?

Yeah, no thank you.

Maybe he would have stuck around too see what Mitch has, but who cares now. That's not how the cookie crumbled during negotiations.

Spunky Porkstacker

CCS Donator
Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
Sure about that? The Bears were last or near to last in most categories regarding the effectiveness and scoring of the passing offense, and have the QB who most national analysts ranked near the bottom of the NFL, and bottom of the high pick 2017 rookies. What makes you think any of this will sound inviting to free agent receivers (none of whom are wearing CCS optimism bear goggles)?

Time will tell, some around the league view MT as a very promising qb going forward. Maybe not those who are wearing the Knee Watson goggles though.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2017
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Sure about that? The Bears were last or near to last in most categories regarding the effectiveness and scoring of the passing offense, and have the QB who most national analysts ranked near the bottom of the NFL, and bottom of the high pick 2017 rookies. What makes you think any of this will sound inviting to free agent receivers (none of whom are wearing CCS optimism bear goggles)?

Because FAs aren't going to rely on stupid statistics when making their multi-million dollar decisions...


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Time will tell, some around the league view MT as a very promising qb going forward. Maybe not those who are wearing the Knee Watson goggles though.

With the exception of some homer Bears fans, everyone in the country thinks Watson is better than Trubisky. Thinking that I'm in some kind of minority on this is delusional.

Spunky Porkstacker

CCS Donator
Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
With the exception of some homer Bears fans, everyone in the country thinks Watson is better than Trubisky. Thinking that I'm in some kind of minority on this is delusional.

So far yes, but in the big picture time will tell.

Also big questions now bout his longevity/ knees.

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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This is where ownership and management are to blame! Their lack of foresight twenty years ago with the league changing should have built the correct facility in a cold ass tundra for climate. In the age of technology with HD quality pictures on our phones for Christ’s sake, how could you not realize or fear that you might lose MONEY by not updating your facility?????!

Shame shame shame! We the fans are the ones that have to suffer through shitty teams because the ownership and upper management are too stupid to realize that no one wants to come here regardless of money because we have a horrible field that probably causes more injuries, is slippery as shitty, long ass grass makes you slow as hell. Not to mention the Cole fucking sucks!!!!!!! Domes also create a much bigger advantage for home games!!!!!

How can we expect anything from this team when the owners can’t even get such an elementary/fundamental issue right?? If things keep going the way it has and no one will want to come here. We need to create an environment where people will consider pay cuts to come here instead of how it is now where guys are going elsewhere for far less!

Look at what the Cubs GM Epstein did, first thing on his to do list was upgrade the players facilities and they went from having the shittiest players faculties which were old, shitty or non existent to having probably the best in MLB.

It all starts at the top!!!

Sorry for writing a NOVEL

They are currently building a 200,000 sq foot expansion to Halas Hall. It will be completed next year. This addition is expected to draw potential FAs.‘significant-expansion’-of-Halas-Hall/eceec492-564d-48ba-aadf-4e346ceebbc0



Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Sure about that? The Bears were last or near to last in most categories regarding the effectiveness and scoring of the passing offense, and have the QB who most national analysts ranked near the bottom of the NFL, and bottom of the high pick 2017 rookies. What makes you think any of this will sound inviting to free agent receivers (none of whom are wearing CCS optimism bear goggles)?

FAs have a better feel for developing QBs than you do?

Also, to those that think Pace thought he had this solved last year. You don't offer 1 year deals to solutions. Pace was also the only GM to offer Jeffery a solution type deal with #1 money. Reportedly more than the extension AJ just signed to be where he wants to be after a healthy ad successful prove it year.

Guess Who

New member
Aug 20, 2012
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With the exception of some homer Bears fans, everyone in the country thinks Watson is better than Trubisky. Thinking that I'm in some kind of minority on this is delusional.

Injury prone flash in the pan. Same old story.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
We all saw that he was better than Trubisky. WTF are you talking about? The fact that we cannot yet predict their futures and you can as your track record has shown?


CBMB refugee
Aug 20, 2012
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Ginn is in New Orleans-dome team with artificial turf. Better stats in the return game. I'm sure the weather and the field had some effect on his decision.

Miami is, well Miami. Some folks just don't want to be in the Midwest in November and December. I'm sure the team environment may have something to do with players not wanting to come but some of it is simply location. Both guys went to southern teams with either domes or great weather.
