[quote name="roshinaya"]Not strictly on topic, but could someone explain to me this separation of church and state thing in the US. From the socialist secular commie hellhole I come from the church (or religion) seem to be all over the politics in the US and there is no separation at all. You have IN GOD WE TRUST on your money, the Pledge of Allegiance talks about ONE NATION UNDER GOD, the president always ends his speeched with GOD BLESS AMERICA, you pretty much have to be a practicing Xtian to have any chance to get elected to any offices and the Xtian lobby groups have huge political pull. How does this separation really practically work?[/quote]
Like has been said, a lot of the founding fathers were diesits, but it was actually the anglican churches and the baptist churches they had issues with. Splitting hairs, I know. Soon after, i believe it was the early 1800's, there was a temperence movement, and most of the leaders of the time were chricitan of some sort or the other.
Anyhow, A lot of the religious B.S. in politics here now is a direct result of the McCarthy-era anti-commie witchhunts as a way to differentiate the "Red-blooded god-fearing americans" from the "Godless commie pinko bastards". In fact, it was then that "Under God", was inserted into the pledge; My dad actually remembers when they changed it to it's current form in the early '50's.
I find the religion portion in this just a feeble grasp at straws. After all, It seems that it's only certain secualr beliefs that show gays and lesbians as "evil", and then with the whole marriage thing, they think that one of the most moly things in their belief system is being violated, when the rite is not theirs and theirs alone. After all, any marriage outside of the church is not under their purvey, but they can't seem to differentiate.
Oh, and lastly, I thought any law passed by the states cannot contradict the constitution, so technically, I think that any law prohibiting *** marriage violates clauses 5 and 14, and thus is unconsitutional even if the states have the right to set their own terms of marriage, they can't override the consitution or its amendments.