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So been messing around with a few combinations and my new current favorite is a tech heavy build. I actually ran into trouble on Insanity with a biotic whenever I was fighting big ******* like architects or dudes that rolled up on you quick with a **** ton of shields or armor. More so than in previous mass effect games.
So instead I switched to a tech build that has 2 separate pairs of skills.
Overload, Energy Drain, Incinerate - The great thing about these powers is depending on the higher level skills you select, each power can serve as a primer for detonation as well as a detonator itself. So for guys with armor, I just use Incinerate to prime them then detonate with Energy Drain while restoring shields which then primes them again and then I detonate with Overload. By the time you work through that combination, Incinerate should be ready again to repeat the process. For dudes with shields I just start with Overload/Energy first and use Incinerate as the final combo before the powers recharge.
Assault Turret, Remnant VI, Cloak - This build takes full advantage of the Engineer class which offers bonuses for Tech Constructs. So the great thing about this is you essentially get a squad of 5 players as the AT and RVI serve as additional squad mates that deal out damage while taking the enemies attention away from you. If the enemy is still focused on you after deploy both then you simply cloak and the enemies look for one of the other 4 targets allowing you to stay behind cover and shoot the **** outta people. When they start looking at you again you just hide or cloak and they go back to your squad. The other great thing about AT and RVI is AT primes enemies for detonation and RVI detonates while maxed out so you still get tech combos if you send them after the same target. Remnant VI has a shit ton of healthy and regenerates quickly so it lasts a hell of a long time while AT goes down a bit quicker but explodes in the process. RVI when you max out the health also likes to roll up right in front of the biggest asshole on the field which keeps them occupied while you wipe out the grunts.
So I just switch between these two builds using favorites and I carry the consumable that recharges powers immediately as anytime you switch all the start to recharge powers recharge. So if you can't wait to recharge then you can use the consumable. That's been my best build on Insanity thus far.
The other big tip I would add is once you get to Kadara, there is a merchant/black market dude that is on the main raid heading Northwest out of the Slums in a structure on a hill. The dude basically buys things for the same price as he sells them (not sure if it's a glitch) where's all the other vendors essentially slash prices by more than half when you sell to them. The first time I found the dude, I had a **** ton of minerals that I could sell and ended up with over 300k in credits by selling him all my minerals and other shit I didn't want. I then used that to buy a **** ton of Disrupter and Incendiary Ammo as well as Cobra RPG's which help out tremendously on Insanity.
So you differently want to save all you good stuff that you can sell until you find this dude. At this point I am not sure if it's a glitch or whether they intended it because his prices are really so much better than everyone else's its ridiculous.
Am I the only one who just uses an assault rifle and a Leroy Jenkins attitude?