That is not the question. You are claiming that a QB playing for a D minded HC would be ruined if his OC left.
So again I am asking you to name the QBs where this happened.
Again, Bellichek has and OCs leave and his QB and O where fine. So has Carroll. So has Tomlin. So has Harbaugh. So I have given you examples that show an OC leaving a D or ST minded HC and it being fine. So there is currently no evidence presented that shows this is an issue for a coach of any persuasion.
nope I never claimed that would happen. I said that I wanted an offensive minded HC because if your OC gets plucked nothing really changes for your QB.. and that consistency seems like an ideal situation for a QB who is young and developing. Now if we already had a quality experienced QB then it would be less of an issue. and maybe Fields can get enough experience and get some years under his belt before our OC gets plucked so it wont have the same impact on him changing OCs. But for me.. why take the risk?
I never said that it could never work with a defensive minded HC.. I mean we went to the superbowl with Lovie so obviously it can be done. My thought process is because this is a QB driven league and the rules are slanted towards the offense then in my opinion our emphasis should be also slanted to the QB and offenses side of the ball.. I think mirroring what KC has done seem like a good blueprint to follow. so when you are asking me about examples you cant get any more accurate with my thought process then with Nagy and Reid..
I wanted McDainals as the HC, we mirror what KC did but with McDainals as the HC/ offensive mind. so no matter what happens that offensive mind will always be there to develop fields, and the system will always be the same for him regardless who the OC is.
This is my OPINION on what I wanted to happen. I never made any proclamation on what would happen, In fact Remy didnt you have the same thought process with McDainals for HC as well? (or am I thinking of someone else?)