udge Michael Pastor threw the book at Dr. Conrad Murray, sentencing him to 4 YEARS IN PRISON. But Murray will not spend a single day in prison because of a new California law. He'll serve his time in L.A. County Jail. And in jail, at most Murray will only serve half the sentence.
The judge was angry, talking repeatedly about Dr. Murray's documentary in which he laid the blame at Michael Jackson's doorstep. The documentary clearly weighed in the judge's decision to give Murray the max.
As for restitution, Judge Pastor ordered Dr. Murray to pay "appropriate restitution" to the Estate and to MJ's kids at a later date ... but the judge seemed dubious about the $100 million request by the prosecution.
Judge Pastor ruled Murray must pay an $800 fine, a $30 court security fee, and a $40 criminal conviction assessment.
Judge Pastor said, "There are those who feel Dr. Murray is a saint. There are those who feel he's the devil. He is neither. He's a human being."
Judge Pastor says it's irrelevant to him that Michael might have met this fate with some other doctor. The fact is, Pastor said, Michael Jackson died because of the actions of ... Dr. Murray."
The judge said he looked at Murray's whole life, and he was impressed. But he added Dr. Murray's recklessness with Jackson overshadowed the doc's good deeds, calling the treatment, "a cycle of horrible medicine."
The Judge noted, "Dr. Murray engaged in a recurring, continuous pattern of deceit and lies."
The Judge was incredulous, saying far from being remorseful, "There's umbrage and outrage on the part of Dr. Murray against the decedent." The judge was making note of Murray's critical comments about MJ in his recently-aired documentary.
In the end, the judge said, "Dr. Murray abandoned his patient," calling his conduct "egregious" and "a disgrace to the medical profession."