Is it just me, or does Gundy make it sound like Jenkins has some motivational issues as far as football is concerned. I know he eluded to Jenkins not really believing he had a future in the NFL for a long time, but this makes it seem like it still hasn’t been fully resolved...
“When we asked him, and challenged him to be as good as he could be and dominate a player, we had a lot of success with him on those days.”
“He has to be challenges mentally. Hopefully, If that’s going to challenge him mentally (being passed over in the draft), it will really benefit the Chicago Bears”
“We’ve told him (Teven), guys that are at the level you’re trying to get to are trying to feed their families. They’re not just college kids on scholarships. And you’re going to have to to change your mental approach. I think that he’s making that change, but he’s not there yet. But as that staff there in Chicago learns to really push him...”