<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Canadian Dreamalchuk" data-cid="194088" data-time="1367735632">
my question is...who is watching Sports Nutz videos and being offended by them? Something doesn't sit right still. Not an easily offended group of people lurking around Sports Nutz and watching these types of vids on youtube. Pretty tame stuff anyways.</p>
I watched several of them yesterday, and was surprisingly entertained. Susannah and her buxom friend were rather funny, and had good chemistry, although I would prefer to see them wrestle then make up in the showerz. :happy-jumpgreen:
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Spunky Porkstacker" data-cid="194097" data-time="1367763321">
I think its probably time to background check the girls of the Ice Crew and change their uniforms to baggy sweat clothes, or better yet have a bunch fat guys do it.</p>
Hopefully, Virginia McCaskey isn't Rockwell's Godmother.