clonetrooper264 wrote:
Frank Breakfast-Styleham wrote:
Then again i may be having a change of mind...
Aren't most, if not all NBA players overpaid? The guy who sits on the bench 81.9 games a year for the Memphis Grizzlies gets paid like $600,000. These guys are making tremendous amounts of money to play a game (not saying I wouldn't take it if I was in their shoes, haha!) while most school teachers, firefighters and police officers barely make enough to make ends meet (especially beginning).
Aren't they all overpaid?
What do you think?
IMO those salaries (teachers, police, etc) should be switched with the athletes' salaries. Athletes are definitely way overpaid. They really don't do much other than provide entertainment. The more serviceable jobs that benefit society don't get nearly as much as they deserve.
seems like you too could have used some more schooling and a course in logic or two.
athletes are paid by private companies who get their money from the public.
as long as their clients are willing to pay for that entertainment, the athletes will get big salaries. in a normal economy, as long as you provide a service or sell a good that is in demand, you should be remunerated for it (it means "paid").
teachers, police etc on the other hand are paid from the federal or state budget. that means the money come from taxes. for salaries of teachers and policemen to increase it means that you need to:
1. cut other spending: easier said than done as large organizations (especially governments) are known to be very bureaucratic and inefficient in their spending
2. get more money by increasing taxes. and when you increase taxes, if wouldn't be fair (or legal, AFAIK) to single out a category saying something like: "nba players (or athletes) will be taxed 90% of their income".
one last thing: some of those guys at the end of the bench have put in more work than most high-school level teachers to get into that position. you think those guys suck ?
maybe compared to lebron or wade. but they'd destroy you (or any amateur fan who thinks "he got game") on a basketball court.
THINK (that's they keyword) how many players are in the nba: around 400. how many teachers or policemen are in the US alone ? tens of thousands. worldwide: millions probably. it's much harder to get into an elite group of 400 where only the best of the best from all over the world can get into.
in the end, while society needs to pay teachers and policemen better (i agree 100%), it can't just take away the athletes' money. they earned it. society needs to find other ways to get that money. so think about that when/if you start complaining the next time taxes are increased.