When they play the national anthem, I think about those who I know who honored their country via their service and sacrifice. But you go right ahead and keep your hat on and sit on your behind. Others have earned that right for you. To me, the anthem is pretty much a prayer of remembrance for people or it should be considered such.
I understand your version of being patriotic, but isn't it cool that we live in a country where people can cheer like crazy for the hawks during the anthem and get all super pumped up, and it's actually respectable?
It's not just for the hawks though, the whole cheering thing started as a huge recognition of our troops.
Maybe you don't get it, but I do, and I like to recognize our troops by getting super loud during the National Anthem before hawks games, even if it's just at home. People that walk by my garage when I'm getting a little stoned and drunk before the hawks games get it, they no i'm a true patriot and american when I'm yelling and getting baked. Hell, even the papa johns delivery guy that came speeding through my alley stopped and shook my hand because he could see how pumped we all were. Turned out he was in desert storm and we all thanked him for his service and he said he'd try to hook us up with some pizzas later. :buttrock: