Look, Brewer and Korver both have areas that they thrive in more than Kirk offensively and defensively but Kirks overall game was more complete than the others. People like to call Kirk a combo guard, i disagree. He was a PG playing SG who could guard multiple positions and he was getting paid 9M to do so.
We needed to add length and depth to this team and moving Kirk made that possible. Brewers only 25 or so and he's got time to peak, so does Deng if healthy. We know Brewer has shown the ability to play off the ball and get to the rim and finish strong and like FT said in another thread, his mid-range game isnt half bad. I would like both Rose and Korver to try and bring him to their shooting coaches...
Anyways Kirk was getting around 9.3 or so right? It's about 9.2 for both Brewer and Korver, both who provide things this team needs. I think it was the right choice, even if we did miss out on the top FAs. Kirk was our 4th best player on a team with very little depth. I think we are better off.