Play Retro Classic Games roms Online Free - ref: 71553 - Vizzed
grat site u can play every retro game u can think of from atari to game boy advanced..
u do have to download a small file in order to play games..and u have to have points to "buy/play" games..
The currency of Vizzed Board - Created By: Davideo7
How to gain it
- Coming to Vizzed Every Day earns you 100 Viz each day you visit
- Posting: You earn Viz per a post depending on size and other factors; you lose Viz from small posts (see Viz Per Post for more info)
- Referring People: 100 Viz if they visit, 500 Viz if they Sign Up, 1,000 Viz if they post
- Donating Money to Vizzed Board - 10,000 Viz for $10 Donation (refer to Donations page)
- When users reply to your threads
- Although you lose 10 Viz for making threads, you get viz when people reply to your thread (Refer to Viz Per Thread)
- 500 Viz for setting Vizzed as your Homepage; more info here
- 400 Viz for taking the Newbie Quiz
- 100 Viz for each day you visit vizzed board (so be sure to come and vizzit every day!)
- Viz for Rating an Online Retro Game that you own (you get 25% of the game's price)
- Selling an Online Retro Game that you own (75% your Viz back)
- Doing favors for the site or others (refer to the Vizzed Market)
- Various Contests (sometimes there are contests that you can enter to win Viz)
- If its your Birthday: When it's your birthday you will receive a gift of 5000 viz and along with a congratulations PM; you MUST be a member atleast 1 month to qualify (made by JigSaw).
- Battle Arena (coming eventually)
- and many more (and there are also many more to come)