[quote name="sth"]
[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]
[quote name="Stu Grimson"]http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/27/north.korea.south.korea.warning/index.html?hpt=T2
Anyone that is an expert on politics and this kind of stuff, how serious is it? Would the United States get involved? Could this lead to nuclear war?[/quote]
Lead to a nuclear war, in a nutshell, no. Kim Jong Il is a serious nutcase, but not stupid enough to start shooting nukes. NK stands to lose too much if they escalate this beyond where it has gone so far. They have been rattling sabers and spitting out the "Southern Traitors" rhetoric since the 50s.
We have a treaty with SK, we would become involved if it turned into a serious conflict though. We have over 25000 troops there now..[/quote]
The only concern is if there is a little sea skirmish could it escalate. North Korea could only last 3 days in a war before they ran out of fuel. They only have enough gas to go three days. So it would be insane for them to fight South Korea and America.[/quote]
Lack of fuel and lack of updated equipment for a sea skirmish, they have some seriously old chinese and soviet stuff as far as warships go. They have, according to their sources, a huge land based military, but only becasue they consider anyone old enough to carry a weapon a "soldier".