Norway Killer


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Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Ruled sane by the court

Gets maximum sentence of 10-21 years at which point he will be re-evaluated to see if he is rehabilitated.

The defense argued he was sane and the prosecution was arguing he was insane. Apparently if he was insane they could lock him up and throw away the key. Since he was ruled sane he must be rehabilitated.

That's bass ackward


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May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
he also will basically be living in a small apartment, with exercise equipment a TV and computer.

From what I understand though, even after 21 years, they can continue to hold him if they feel hes a threat.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
he also will basically be living in a small apartment, with exercise equipment a TV and computer.

From what I understand though, even after 21 years, they can continue to hold him if they feel hes a threat.

I think that is only until he is moved into general population. Then it will be more like a hotel with a pool, exercise room, recreation room ect....


May 15, 2010
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Norway has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world, so their prison system must be doing something right. That said, I doubt Breivik will ever be released. He was ruled sane, but he lives in a delusional world.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Norway has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world, so their prison system must be doing something right. That said, I doubt Breivik will ever be released. He was ruled sane, but he lives in a delusional world.

I don't deny our prison system has severe issues as far as actually reforming criminals, in fact it may make them more hardened criminals. But a man in his 30's killing 70 people deserves punishment not rehabilitation.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
I don't deny our prison system has severe issues as far as actually reforming criminals, in fact it may make them more hardened criminals. But a man in his 30's killing 70 people deserves punishment not rehabilitation.



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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
I don't deny our prison system has severe issues as far as actually reforming criminals, in fact it may make them more hardened criminals. But a man in his 30's killing 70 people deserves punishment not rehabilitation.

He deserves to be tortured by the families of his victims for the next 20 years.


May 15, 2010
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I don't deny our prison system has severe issues as far as actually reforming criminals, in fact it may make them more hardened criminals. But a man in his 30's killing 70 people deserves punishment not rehabilitation.

Being locked up for the majority of his life, if not his whole life, is punishment enough and the victims families seem to agree reading from their comments on the sentence. He'll be over 50 when his sentence is over and it can be extended for 5 years indefinitely if he still deemed a hazard.

Having a judicial system cater to base revenge fantasies isn't the way to go. Rehabilitation is the correct way to approach it. I am sure there are individuals that are beyond that, but I believe the vast majority can be rehabilitated. And that's just one part of it, take a step back and look at the larger picture and see what are the reasons the crime was committed in the first place and start addressing those issues and so on.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Being locked up for the majority of his life, if not his whole life, is punishment enough and the victims families seem to agree reading from their comments on the sentence. He'll be over 50 when his sentence is over and it can be extended for 5 years indefinitely if he still deemed a hazard.

Having a judicial system cater to base revenge fantasies isn't the way to go. Rehabilitation is the correct way to approach it. I am sure there are individuals that are beyond that, but I believe the vast majority can be rehabilitated. And that's just one part of it, take a step back and look at the larger picture and see what are the reasons the crime was committed in the first place and start addressing those issues and so on.

You don't live amongst an entire culture that has zero value for the average life. Meet some north or central American gang bangers and ask them if they give a shit about the guy standing next to them. They see death all the time and think it just "is". Unfortunately, there are millions of them in this hemisphere.

The only way to change it at this point is this: take a life in a criminal act and 'we' will take yours. Until that happens, no gang banger will stop shooting, because they don't fear going to jail. They like it there.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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You don't live amongst an entire culture that has zero value for the average life. Meet some north or central American gang bangers and ask them if they give a shit about the guy standing next to them. They see death all the time and think it just "is". Unfortunately, there are millions of them in this hemisphere.

The only way to change it at this point is this: take a life in a criminal act and 'we' will take yours. Until that happens, no gang banger will stop shooting, because they don't fear going to jail. They like it there.

When you have little to live for or grow up in a setting where gang bangers grow up the threat of death isn't much of a deterrent. Gang bangers already live in a climate where the dangers of death exist. That punishment of death is already there in their every day lives. The eye for an eye philosophy is already something most live by. They are militant in their structures and ideals also. Death is part of the sub-culture already.

This guy wasn't a gang banger by definition. Not sure where that argument fits into this case anyways.

I don't think he is capable of being rehabilitated myself either and I do support that method in many cases. This guy is so deeply brainwashed and socialized into terrorist and political ideals that it's not worth the time and energy to try. There is a point where it is too late. This is one of them. I can't believe I am saying this because it's not my typical stance.. but yah he is probably better off dead (that doesn't errase his actions though and it doesn't give any closure as much as we like to believe it would). But like I always suggest in death punishment threads....if you are going to go the road of an eye for and eye make some good out of the other body parts if you can.

The threat of death sentences works on the average person like yourself and I. It doesn't work on those who have already given up, who are desperate, who have mental disabilities or who live within a sub culture where that danger already exists. For a lot of them they just flat out don't care what the punishment is or aren't thinking about it. You can go ahead and kill em off all you want but it's not going to stop the next guy that just flat out doesn't care. Don't go thinking the death sentence is a means of sending a message to those who don't give a shit. Because it's not. For people like yourself and I it is but just the thought of imprisonment is usually enough to keep us from shooting bullets out our windows.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
That is a myth about their mindset and one from an outsider's perspective. They all know death happens around them...but they all have the "death won't get me" bragaddocio. Put more certainty in it and the deterant returns.


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Jul 26, 2012
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Somewhere this side of sanity.
That is a myth about their mindset and one from an outsider's perspective. They all know death happens around them...but they all have the "death won't get me" bragaddocio. Put more certainty in it and the deterant returns.

Agreed, turn some of these prisons into extermination facilities, burn a couple thousand of these ******* with no regard for human life, theirs or anyone else's, throw a couple more thousand lower than whale shit fucking child molesters and rapists on the pile while yer at it and these fcktards might start to the idea that decent people aren't going to tolerate this shit any more.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Agreed, turn some of these prisons into extermination facilities, burn a couple thousand of these ******* with no regard for human life, theirs or anyone else's, throw a couple more thousand lower than whale shit fucking child molesters and rapists on the pile while yer at it and these fcktards might start to the idea that decent people aren't going to tolerate this shit any more.

Therein lies a problem. I've made no qualms on this site about being an atheist. Bottom line is, some innocent people are going to get "burned" in that group. Theres no evidence for a God therefore I don't believe the "innocent" ones are going to get sorted out by one and get their reward in heaven, they are just fucking dead. and in my opinion, one innocent life isnt worth a million guilty ones. Their one life to live is robbed of them and thrown away. ID rather I and anyone else lose their retribution on someone, if it means an innocent human being isnt a casualty of our system.

and secondly I dont think death deters anyone, to be blatantly honest, id take death over life in prison any day of the week, honestly whats the difference, with one you endure the agony of life in prison for years, with the other you just get out of it. and if you are a believer, aint nuthin stoppin them from getting "saved" in that short time for their alleged one way ticket to heaven.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Throw the wall street cheats and the ponzi schemers into the fire pit of death also while you are at it. The hate mongering homophobes and racists out there. Some religious groups also. They don't classify as "decent people" in my books. They too have taken a fair share of lives and have ruined many. So if we are burning those who aren't "decent people" then lets get the global bon fire lit up. It's going to burn for an eternity.

When you start throwing the term "decent people" around it opens up a lot of debate and opinions on what that means, who fits the billing and who doesn't. I for one welcome the debate but we all need to be prepared to see lists that we probably won't like. In no way do I condone acts of physical or mental violence or manipulation. I do prefer (and probably unrealistically a lot of times) judging the individual case. I'm not against capital punishment in all instances but I do believe there has to be some judgement based on case by case. I do believe in a fair trial for most cases. Not all deserve it but most do.

You can go ahead and kill off this Norway asshole. He already accomplished what he intended to do... it's too late. Doubt that he actually cares if he lives or not. I can assure you one segment of the population which isn't intimidated or effected by the death's terrorist driven political and religious radicals like this Norway asshole. End result for him should be his death but that doesn't change the acts he committed. An act he probably believed at the time and still does will be rewarded by something or someone larger than himself. An act he probably already knew carried with it the possibility his own death on this earth. I don't know this as fact but making a theory based on what I have read about him and his beliefs and ideals. Guys head was brainwashed to all hell. Highly doubt he can be rehabilitated. Shits too deep with this guy. Like trying to take god out of the popes ideals. Ain't gunna work

Besides you don't quickly kill off all of those who commit violent and manipulative acts. Some lead you to the bigger pricks and assholes of the world and a little insight into how certain violent or illegal operations work. It's why we interrogate criminals now instead of taking their heads off right away. Isn't it?

And just so you sleep well at night Detoit Sucks...child molesters aren't thought of well in the prison world. It's probably better for them to be put to death than having to serve the punishments they do in prisons. Unless you are a rich child molester who get minimum security or a catholic priest (yah i went there). They really don't get punished enough. But the poorer ones oh boy do they get the beats in prison.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Therein lies a problem. I've made no qualms on this site about being an atheist. Bottom line is, some innocent people are going to get "burned" in that group. Theres no evidence for a God therefore I don't believe the "innocent" ones are going to get sorted out by one and get their reward in heaven, they are just fucking dead. and in my opinion, one innocent life isnt worth a million guilty ones. Their one life to live is robbed of them and thrown away. ID rather I and anyone else lose their retribution on someone, if it means an innocent human being isnt a casualty of our system.

and secondly I dont think death deters anyone, to be blatantly honest, id take death over life in prison any day of the week, honestly whats the difference, with one you endure the agony of life in prison for years, with the other you just get out of it. and if you are a believer, aint nuthin stoppin them from getting "saved" in that short time for their alleged one way ticket to heaven.

I have a friend at work with the same argument. I would of course feel bad if it happened to a loved one but on the whole not feel all that bad knowing some innocent people were getting euthanized. I ask this all the time when faced with this argument but where is your outrage and ACTION against all the innocent people stuck in jail right now?

I would like to think that a consequence like putting innocent people to death would in some small way make the criminal prosecution process more honest. Imagine...


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
And Tim, every banger faced with the death penalty pisses their fucking pants in court. The exceptions are the ones trying to seem 'not-skerrred'.

Chief Walking Stick

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May 12, 2010
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He had a good K:D at least.

In all seriousness... why don't all of you analyze the rehabilitation/prison systems and figure out what would REALLY rehab someone.

Yea... getting ass raped is a great way to rehabilitate someone.

There's a reason why the United States prison system sees an influx of return prisoners... all prison does in the United States is encourage further violence.


May 15, 2010
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There is no evidence that capital punishment works as a deterrent. All it does is cost money and sometimes even kill innocent people. And it does nothing to address the reasons crime even happens. I can't believe some of you would even suggest "extermination camps" as a solution, it's only a primitive "an eye for an eye" reaction. Maybe there is something to the brutalization theory, that says that in a society where capital punishment is allowed it devalues the human life further.

Chief Walking Stick

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May 12, 2010
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There is no evidence that capital punishment works as a deterrent. All it does is cost money and sometimes even kill innocent people. And it does nothing to address the reasons crime even happens. I can't believe some of you would even suggest "extermination camps" as a solution, it's only a primitive "an eye for an eye" reaction. Maybe there is something to the brutalization theory, that says that in a society where capital punishment is allowed it devalues the human life further.

God Bless USA!!!!
