When you were at the mall, this was the toy store..
You're too young, but Service Merchandise used to have the best toy section. You walk into the store, and the walk paths were designed around the logo's 5sided diamond from the entrance. Then to the far left(at least the 2 near me were like this), it was a mix between a dusty Toys R Us, and being in a Costco. Except, they seemed to have every damn thing a kid was really hoping their parents would buy them, not just toys.
It was pretty sneaky. At the end of the toy section on one side, you would go from action figures to the next aisle, which had bb guns, slingshots, martial arts equipment. On the other end of the toy section, you went from remote control cars and stuff like that, the next aisle was computers and all that software (so many video games). And before all of it, was the kitchen section. The part of the kitchen section that you had to pass, in order to get to the toys had a selection of appliances that made all the sugary treats and popcorn makers, with a few gumball machines thrown in. And on the other side of that main aisle was floor space with air hockey, foosball, pool, and ping pong tables.
You would be 7 years old. Your parents got distracted by their own shopping dreams, somehow let you run off on your own or with siblings(let's be honest, nobody asked, we snuck away and didn't ask). In a 20 minute span, you went through this unique experience unlike any normal toy or other department store. On the same day you walked into the store as a shit kid spaced out just wanting some hot wheels. By the end of the day you grew up wanting to have a whole HiFi stereo system home theater decked out in your bedroom, planning how you were going to steal the basement away from your dad.
And the only reason your parents would dare take you to Service Merchandise, was to feel you out for your Christmas list. Places like Toys R Us, Kay Bee, those were places you were rewarded with for behaving in the mall while mommy bought her new dress and makeup. Service Merchandise wasn't even on the table as a reward, but you would ask, and they would pretend like you didn't say anything, no matter how much you begged and screamed. Scream about Toys R Us, they might take you there once in a while to shut you up.