My point is it is a matter of personal choice which should be left up to the mother and what is best for her situation. It is nobody else's business.
Could be the kids' business. They've nowhere near pegged all of the culprits that can cause food allergies, but one of them according to a couple of studies is indeed lack of being breastfed specifically. Apparently it has someting to do with her anitbodies and the like preventing the baby's immune system from going haywire, and there's some other studies that states refigerating extracted breast milk and then refrigerating it kills or weakens the antibodies needed.
While no one had any reason pegged fully, from my stance, being 100% formula-fed and having some moderately-severe food allergies (ingesttion causing anaphylaxis--inhilation of dust/particles is more like a severe seasonal pollen allergy), I could say that it does have some bearing on someone other than the mother--especially since she may not be the one who ends up with the life-long consequences.
Now, I don't agree with Mayor McCheese dictating what you can and can't do with your body with respect to your kids, but the whole deal with being a parent is that sometimes you have to sacrifice your time, a little pain, and conveinece to make sure your kids grow up as healthy as possible.--and sometimes kids can be vindictive bastards.