[quote name="Shredder"]
When it comes to government endeavors, it's most certainly true.[/quote]
Well, that's a quaint idea, but as society progresses and becomes more complicated internationally, economically, technologically, etc., the governance of that society cannot remain simplistic and stagnant. Like it or not, the current health system, with or without the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is complicated. This diagram would not be terribly simpler without the PPACA. You know what would really simplify this diagram? A single-payer health care system, but the gentleman from Texas who drew this thing up was opposed to that. Indeed, he and his colleagues were among those who insisted that the Act be as complicated as it is.
I'd love to see the chart that maps out the relationship between the IRS, our tax dollars, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NASA, the military, Halliburton and other private military contractors, the FCC, universities, private research, the Executive Branch, and all of the other government departments, agencies, private corporations, etc. involved in our security. Maybe we can ask the same Congressman from the 8th District of Texas to draw that one up, too. Is that governmental enterprise too complicated? How about our current tax-payer funded patent system and its complex interplay between government agencies, courts, public and private research and development, and private corporate interests, not the least of which being big pharmaceutical companies?
I'm sure tribal law and rules governing Amish society are a lot simpler. The world is complicated. Until our economic structures, social and international relations, and technologies become simpler, the legal structures established for the harmonious functioning of the multitude of complexities and moving parts, insterests, rights, and obligations must evolve with structures and systems they govern.