Funny enough, that day I was out at my son’s soccer and it was raining. So I ran over to the facility to grab my umbrella. Jerome (Carvin), who had been there working with him, popped out and was like, “Yeah, man, we just worked out with the Bears and that guy tried to kill him, man.” He was like, “There were some choice words that were said, but they told me not to lay off of him and try to see if I can break him.” Then Darnell popped up and says to me, “Man, that guy tried to kill me! But it was fun!” With his playful personality, he enjoyed it. He thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Then that night, me, Jerome, Cade (Mays) and Darnell all went out to eat and got to hear more of the war stories from that 30-minute workout and laughed about it. … I think one of our operations guys was out there and ‘Nell may have been trying to look at him like, “Hey, man. Give me a pause here.” But it kept on rolling. He lays it all out there and that’s why they liked that. You can’t question that guy’s toughness or effort, that’s for sure.