Bare (or is it Bear???) with me here:
So I have these two friends that got married their senior year of college. Met both of them while I was in college, went to their wedding - partied with them many times. Anyways, they live on the opposite side of the state of Illinois from me, so really the only way I communicated with them post college was Facebook. Let me be clear, THESE ARE GREAT FUCKING PEOPLE. The kind of people that would stop whatever they are doing to help you out. No questions asked, would never give the slightest hint of being uninterested in what they're doing if you needed help.
So they had a daughter three years ago. The daughter got sick - heart problem. It's always seemed touch and go. Daughter recovered, then this February shit hit the fan. Now the wife is living in Chicago away from her home, and the husband is working during the week and driving into Chicago to see his wife and daughter. I've known about this and have always just felt awful. I finally got enough nerve to visit them today at the hospital. As expected, the three year old daughter is fucking adorable. Also, as expected these two are amazing parents. As expected, they make everything seem alright when you visit.
So here we have a young family, going through the amount of pain that I wouldn't even begin to imagine. And what do they do? They try to make everyone else feel comfortable even though you know they are dying inside. Long story short, I gave the daughter some crayons, a coloring book, and a Disney movie as a present. Watched The Little Mermaid with her, cracked some knock, knock jokes with her, then had lunch with the parents.
Once again, PerspetiveBastard strikes.