One of the world's greatest mysteries. Why do people shop at IKEA? The quality is low, the materials are of the lowest grade. The prices are expensive(even though they might sucker someone into thinking they are getting a steal of a price for laminated cardboard and tin), the designs are poorly thought out, and stores themselves treat you like a lab rat that needs to walk through an elaborate maze before you can even exit.
Yes, you can walk to see something specific at the very start of the store, and not want to see something else. Then you're stuck walking around spaced out mothers of four who are looking at Ikea for ideas(for the fifth time in two months) while their kids are jumping all over the MDF staircases that seem to be next to every bedroom kit and her husband is pushing an oversized cart with the smallest item on it, blocking anyone from passing(along with the 4 others in the same situation within the next 50 feet). A 5-10 minute stop turns into an hour long event. By the time you're near the end, they have all of the furniture you saw on display, in another warehouse like display. So you say, **** it, I'm sick of furniture shopping after being trapped by the IKEA warehouse engineers who have studied from the best prison wardens in all of Israel, and settle on something that looks like it could last as long as you take care of it, but only to later succumb to the humidity of a Chicago summer and watch the veneer start to chip and blister off come 2 months later.
And those shitty beds too! IKEA. It's kept everyone awake.