Okay im done


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
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It's mind boggling the difference the past few games have been. The confidence is gone. The whole team literally has packed it in.

It's the type of helpless frustration that comes from knowing change is not coming. That's the vibe I get. It's one thing to be frustrated because you believe you can and should be succeeding but are just not putting it together. I don't sense that from this team. Instead it's as if they know what the problems are, and that the changes needed to correct them will not take place. They enter the field knowing they are going to perform like shit, and then they do, and it's almost a "oh well what do you expect?" attitude from them.

Tells me they have completely given up on the coaching/FO regime. That's why the whole toilet needs to be flushed. Emery, Trestman, Tucker, D, Jay, all the Emery draft busts.

They are all toxic at this point, without hope for cure. Even if they perform better under this current regime, it will always be in the back of their heads that this is the true nature of it, this is whats possible when things don't go 100%. There is no safety net. Unfortunately, as I said, the players seem to know no real changes are coming. If ownership doesn't care, why should the players? If the players don't care, why should we as fans?

The organization is in clown mode, and no one gives a shit.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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I agree with most of the stuff here. Something weird is up with Cutty. Why can't he throw spirals anymore? His accuracy is shit now. Maybe he is sick or injured or his kids keep him up all night or something. He did have his 2nd kid in May of this year.

Or maybe Trestman has tried to change him too much? Reminds me of what happened to Starlin Castro in 2013 when he totally regressed because coaches were trying to turn him into a patient hitter (while also tinkering with his mechanics) when attacking the ball and being aggressive was his strength. Seems familiar to Cutler and Trestman this year.

Chances are his general suckiness is a combination of all these things (including his WR's and O-line regressing) but that still doesn't explain how he can't even throw the ball properly lately. It's weird.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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So im done defending jay and now plan on complaining about him non stop with the rest of the CCS. Now that im doing this whats the plan? Will it get us better QBing out of him? Will phill draft a new QB now?

If we only knew huh

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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I agree with most of the stuff here. Something weird is up with Cutty. Why can't he throw spirals anymore? His accuracy is shit now. Maybe he is sick or injured or his kids keep him up all night or something. He did have his 2nd kid in May of this year.

Or maybe Trestman has tried to change him too much? Reminds me of what happened to Starlin Castro in 2013 when he totally regressed because coaches were trying to turn him into a patient hitter (while also tinkering with his mechanics) when attacking the ball and being aggressive was his strength. Seems familiar to Cutler and Trestman this year.

Chances are his general suckiness is a combination of all these things (including his WR's and O-line regressing) but that still doesn't explain how he can't even throw the ball properly lately. It's weird.

I can see that. He's just not playing with that same attitude. I mean it really seems like his confidence is gone, the zip on ball isn't there. It's like wtf


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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] this pic kinda says it to me. His confidence is just shot. Idk how the fuck the team has regressed this bad. It's disheartening


The fact people said it wasn't tough a few years ago even though he's diabetic playing qb and got his shit rocked weekly, it was mind boggling.

You may be onto something though. Mind you he played at Vandy and got his ass rocked lots down there too Bc they sucked. I am worried if, with all that head trauma, he may indeed have some issues going on. It's like he isn't playing within himself anymore.

my wife knows nothing about football or jay, but everytime shes sees hims during a presser, she asks me if hes on drugs. i tell her hes diabetic, shes doesnt buy it.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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so we have concluded cutler must be on drugs now? is this why the offense is regressing?


so we have concluded cutler must be on drugs now? is this why the offense is regressing?

idk. thats jjust the impression the ol lady gets.

he does have two kids. my son is nearly two and im wore out.

the question is, do you think jay has regressed? because i dont think he has, hes just jay.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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It's spelled NO ONE* there's a space. It's 2 words. As many times as you use that phrase, at least spell it right..

Carry on.

Not if your first name is Peter.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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You could make an arguement about Martz in second year but ah whatever not gonna bother. Dude isn't the same qb he was a few years ago. It's like the gunslinger fuck off mentality has dwindled. He's playing a lot more like.. By the books. And it's not his style idk. He's more Favre
I'll give ya year two under Martz. Unfortunately that has been more of an anomaly then a trend over his entire career. The one thing that has been consistent are the turnovers. We could all deal with up and down or streaky QB play but the turnovers are what kills. Unfortunately again, its been the norm with Jay more so than any other starting QB over the last 10 years. Its never going to magically change.

I don't get the farve comparison really. Yeah they both were prone to turn the ball over and liked to sling the ball around the yard but farve also was able to carry his teams with some memorable QB play and clutch throws in key situations.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Confidence for sure. I still believe in Jay, I do. But I re watched some video of him and his swagger just isn't there. It's worriesome. I just feel Trest doesn't mesh well with NFL type people. I don't.

What is NFL type people?


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I agree with most of the stuff here. Something weird is up with Cutty. Why can't he throw spirals anymore? His accuracy is shit now. Maybe he is sick or injured or his kids keep him up all night or something. He did have his 2nd kid in May of this year.

Or maybe Trestman has tried to change him too much? Reminds me of what happened to Starlin Castro in 2013 when he totally regressed because coaches were trying to turn him into a patient hitter (while also tinkering with his mechanics) when attacking the ball and being aggressive was his strength. Seems familiar to Cutler and Trestman this year.

Chances are his general suckiness is a combination of all these things (including his WR's and O-line regressing) but that still doesn't explain how he can't even throw the ball properly lately. It's weird.

Agree, its bizarre.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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It's the type of helpless frustration that comes from knowing change is not coming. That's the vibe I get. It's one thing to be frustrated because you believe you can and should be succeeding but are just not putting it together. I don't sense that from this team. Instead it's as if they know what the problems are, and that the changes needed to correct them will not take place. They enter the field knowing they are going to perform like shit, and then they do, and it's almost a "oh well what do you expect?" attitude from them.

Tells me they have completely given up on the coaching/FO regime. That's why the whole toilet needs to be flushed. Emery, Trestman, Tucker, D, Jay, all the Emery draft busts.

They are all toxic at this point, without hope for cure. Even if they perform better under this current regime, it will always be in the back of their heads that this is the true nature of it, this is whats possible when things don't go 100%. There is no safety net. Unfortunately, as I said, the players seem to know no real changes are coming. If ownership doesn't care, why should the players? If the players don't care, why should we as fans?

The organization is in clown mode, and no one gives a shit.

If only the owners cared more, SB!


Rabid Homer
Aug 21, 2010
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My god, some of you post like you've just discovered boobs. Grow the fuck up.
