Well that was posted before game 2 started [9:54 A.M. Game two was later that night], so at that point Miami was up 1-0.
But maybe he said it before the series started too.. idk. haha.
Thanks for providing the link...
whenever I stated the prediction didn't matter as much because I was pretty much standing alone. People like to shit on Lebron and Wade but nobody was willing to jump on Pacers bandwagon after the Heat made that comeback in the 4th...without Bosh.
I said it after Bosh went down, I explained why I predicted it...I also stated weeks....weeks ago that people were mistaken if they thought Miami would have an easier road to the ECF than Chicago. I stated that before the playoffs started. I felt that even with Bosh, Indiana was no pushover and they had players that could give Miami problems. Just as with my prediction, most disagreed with my assessment.
I am done trying to prove I am a Bulls fan...every since I refused to join the church of St. Ben of UConn, and be an advocate for Ben Gordon staying in Chicago...people have called me everything but a Bulls fan. Doesn't matter, I'm good. I know who I am. (This is not directed to BNB or Diddy in particular...)