I just went back to a flip phone. JJ finally figured out hoe to delegate.
Screw the overpriced technology & contract BS.
I have a $60.00 flip phone and t-mobil prepaid... and it works just fine for me.
What kind of phone do you have?
If Breaking Bad taught me anything, it's that he's a drug dealer and that's a throw away phone. He's Sam Hurds leader!
He also puts a hat and sunglasses on before he goes all Heisenberg.
No he is gus. Hahaha. I can't do it. I'm in love with technology. I need my iphone
Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Pro
We arent talking about that. Stay on topic. Dont need your little rant against Apple. Thank you
You already didWhat ARE we supposed to respond to this drivel?
A verizon smart phone so I can watch the Bears on NFL Sunday Ticket when I'm not at home.