OT: The "Soldier" strikes again....


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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He may very well have CTE, which puts people at a higher risk for violent behavior. It's shocking how many former players are being diagnosed. One researcher has even suggested that OJ Simpson might have CTE.



New member
Apr 23, 2017
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Hyde Park
Saw this posted elsewhere.. makes sense to me:

In this case, brain damage to the wrong part of his brain, most likely. Absolutely everyone is capable of rape , murder, etc with brain damage in the right spot, and if you think you never could then you're simply wrong. This is just how our brains brains work, see [Charles Whitman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman)'s letters. It's easy to say "Oh he was just evil and those letters were lies," just like it's easy to say "Winslow is just evil," but that's taking the easy way out.

Now, obviously it could be the case that his brain wasn't damaged by football. It could have been damaged by something else, or it could be the result of a mental trauma rather than a physical one. Either way it's a tragedy that could happen to any of us. Or maybe his brain was just congenitally wrong, in which case it's a tragedy he was ever born.


CCS Donator
Sep 28, 2014
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Chicago, IL
Saw this posted elsewhere.. makes sense to me:

In this case, brain damage to the wrong part of his brain, most likely. Absolutely everyone is capable of rape , murder, etc with brain damage in the right spot, and if you think you never could then you're simply wrong. This is just how our brains brains work, see [Charles Whitman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman)'s letters. It's easy to say "Oh he was just evil and those letters were lies," just like it's easy to say "Winslow is just evil," but that's taking the easy way out.

Now, obviously it could be the case that his brain wasn't damaged by football. It could have been damaged by something else, or it could be the result of a mental trauma rather than a physical one. Either way it's a tragedy that could happen to any of us. Or maybe his brain was just congenitally wrong, in which case it's a tragedy he was ever born.

Do you have any science to back this up?


New member
Apr 23, 2017
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Hyde Park
Do you have any science to back this up?

It was a quote that I read elsewhere that makes good sense to me. The brain obviously controls all functions. Depending upon where it is damaged and how severely it is damaged, it can compromise normal thought. We have seen this in the past with various killers, etc. when their brains were studied after death and it was found that they suffered from brain damage to the frontal lobe or other areas of the brain that control thought, reason, passion, compassion, impulse control, etc., etc.

I am not saying that this is what is going on with Winslow because we obviously don't know for sure. But there is definitely a reasonable chance that he suffers from this.
