Damnit. Now I want a pizza.
My pops is getting kicked out of the house tonight because my mom is hosting some chick thing (stamping party, or book club, or something) and we're totally going to the local pub that has an adjoining pizza place (separately owned) and getting shitfaced. That's why I felt the need to comment originally, as soon as I woke up this morning I remembered it is excessive beer/pizza night and I've been in an awesome mood because of it all day.
But back to actually cooking: One of the only things I don't really like about making pizza at home is regular ovens just don't control temperature well enough to get it perfect. The great thing about most pizzerias is the giant fucking ovens that have no fluctuation in temp simply due to their sheer mass. (while most conventional ovens turn their burner/electric coil on and off repeatedly so the temp does fluctuate more than one would like) I have an old buddy that still owns a place a few miles away, so if I'm really feeling needy I just go in and ask him if I can make myself a pie.
Oh, and we did some weird shit back in the day. One thing that actually worked out well was a BBQ, bacon, broccoli, and cheddar. Yes, it sounds fucking terrible...but it's amazing. Use an Open Pit or Sweet Baby Ray's sauce, a hefty amount of bacon, and keep the broccoli sliced thin enough that it cooks through properly and it makes a pretty impressive combination.