All 3 fucking rule, or "ruled".... I say that because of Metallica. Old Metallica was the shit. I mean who doesn't love some "Kill'em All" or "Ride the Lightning" tracks?!?! Slayer will always own the thrash world, because they're are fucking Slayer, and they play a show starting a 100% and end at 300%, just like they say they will.
But.. Pantera (my favorite by far) IMO, really started a lot of "trends" that you hear these days. All 3 had their impact on the "metal/hardcore/punk" scene of course, but I feel that Pantera, had the most. With riffs like the ending of "Domination"..That bone crunching guitar chugging. That started all of this so called "breakdown" shit in the "hardcore/punk" scene. Plus, Pantera was popular, but absolutely nowhere near, as popular as Slayer, or Metallica. Granted, they were not around as long, which is unfortunate, but they were more of the "underground" band out of the 3 IMO.
Its also crazy to think of where Pantera would have went, if Phil Anselmo never would have joined the band and they would have stayed a hair metal group. They always cranked out badass riffs. Dimebag Darrell, or at that time went by "Diamond Darrell" is a legend and the reason that I play guitar today. Im sure he made that impression on a lot of people.
Either way, I think I got off topic a little, but all 3 fucking rule. Pantera is my favorite. I have CFH tattooed on my elbow for a reason, but if I was on a road trip and someone decided to put on Metallica, Slayer, or Pantera. **** IT. Im down.