And yet instead of discussing the issue at hand you continue to test me on matters that have been made very clear to you. Last chance on this one.
You have had multiple occasions to move this continuing discussion to a private forum. You chose to relish in your great achievement of being a message board moderator and flaunt your 'power' in public.
I've proven on many occasions that I am capable of discussing baseball with you.
You had no intentions of discussing the issue at hand with your first post consisting of '/agenda'.
You clearly wished to provoke and instigate and instead of admitting it, you chose to climb back up on your soapbox and falsely claim innocence and fairness. Just like any other false statement made, I will point out the inaccuracies of such statements which is the point of public message board forums.
You want to discuss the topic at hand, lead by example for a change. I will happily follow as I have on many previous occasions. You wish to provoke and instigate, I will also follow that lead. You are the mod. The power rests with you. Lead by example like Rice Cube does.
I am sorry, but as much as you would like to think, you are not the Pope and you are not infallible. You are a message board moderator and not above questioning, as multiple people have pointed out.