yeah this is ***. and I was totally politically incorrect with my insult too.
and I second you supra I wasn't aware of a geisha costume being negative.
When someone dresses up as a terrorist, its not a "middle eastern person" costume, its a terrorist costume.
The biggest problem I have with that, is not what they find "offensive" but what they DON'T find offensive (not that I am implying they should find it offensive).
I doubt youre are going to find a poster in their protest of a guy in a hillbilly outfit complete with racing hat and fake mullet swilling beer with some meek looking white guy holding it up saying "Waaa this is not me this is not who i am and its not ok waaa".
Thats the the biggest problem I have with "racial" political correctness, its like assuming white people dont give a shit if their distinct sub culture is made fun of. (which frankly I dont give a shit, but it annoys the piss out of me other people do) therefore if your gonna be this way, be this way equally.
Theres almost a sense of white people being a blank canvas that has no culture to even parody, so arent even included in the conversation as ever being racially offended.
As I mentioned before I dont give a shit, people can say cracker, honkey. Call me a mick a stupid Slav I could care fucking less. But if you are going to go all whiny and politically correct, be fair about it.