I used to work at an organic farm in Caledonia Illinois. (If any of you are interested in getting a box weekly you can contact them, it's called Angelic Organics. )
CSA Link
From my experience, there were no pesticides used ever, and the fruits and vegetables were literally twice the size of what you would buy at any grocery store.
Every veggie was so safe that you could eat it directly from the plant in the field, enjoyed many a cucumber, tomato, and pepper this way.
I am about to switch my major in school to horticulture science because i very much believe that being able to support yourself and your family organically is the best way to eat and stay healthy.
Hoping to start my own farm after completion down here in Georgia!
My girlfriend and I have actually been working on renting a particular house down here with farm land in the last couple of days to get it started! (maybe personally since it is a smaller plot)