We should roll the OP for this thread.
Now now. Let's not have you bringing up your perpetuation of racism into this thread. You can continue your racism in the other forum. I'm here to discuss football. Bears, Packers, Redskins, you know, football teams. Good luck with your racism.
Exclusive footage of Omelet playing Tetris on his "vacation" to California
Bud... similar arbitrary negative PFF ratings
**** you, you old bastard. I'll nudge you into a railing so your hip shatters
Celks once threatened to force me to go outside.... I called the police immediately
Since you are already so close to death is it really worth the keystrokes?
Ima **** (you all up) tonight
Bearsbud must be a Marine Biologist. He threatened to krill me.
Do threats from the Kotex Mafia count? They offered me maximum protection, or else.
This truly is a violent place yet I somehow find the courage to come here. That's brave. I could fear for my life every day but I'm no coward.
Are you a whale?
Exclusive footage of Omelet playing Tetris on his "vacation" to California
Those fucking guys act like they run da ccs.
This thread isn't about football. It's about posters being threatened. You were talking about your courage and I was pointing out why you aren't courageous at all. No one takes you seriously as a packer fan so you have nothing to fear and nothing to be courageous about.
If you want to talk football then there are other threads for that.